Preventive measures to avoid red eye pain effectively

Red eye pain, nature is conjunctivitis due to virus levels. Adenovirus is the most common virus in the disease infection. The rainy season, weather conditions (temperature, humidity, ...) is suitable for the development of viruses, enabling virus spread quickly and caused dispersal lay the disease in the community.


Preventive measures to avoid red eye pain effectively.

When pain red eyes, eye diseases often suffer from swollen, puffy do slot red conjunctiva, narrow palpebral fraud, tears flowing much more eye eyes present attached to the stick, lèm nhèm and more at smudge away, feeling very itchy and uncomfortable, just wanted to day, rubbing the eyes.

Some cases of conjunctivitis are fake (fake tough membrane is white when flip up new-found mi) long from the usually more than other cases. When red eye pain, the patient may also have additional symptoms such as fatigue, fever, sore throat, cough, appearing glands in the ear.

Usually the patient still see normal, not vision impaired but if so ill, the patient's eye may be red membrane in eyes, edema, hemorrhage under the conjunctiva, the consequences would be greater.

Causes of diseases

The cause of red eye pain is caused by a virus or Adenovirus caused by bacteria such as Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, pneumococcal induced. Common diseases in summer to late autumn, when the weather from heat transfer to the rain, the humidity is high, the season ...

This time, the human body, especially in people who are sensitive to the weather is prone to fatigue, weak immune systems should be infected. Besides, many environmental smoke, poor sanitation, contaminated water, towels, pillows shared ... is also favorable conditions for the outbreak of the disease.

The sources spreading the disease

Red eye pain can spread by direct contact with the eyes, eye secretions present. Young red eye pain or hand rubbing the eyes, reducing the day feeling itchy, uncomfortable. Then the hand that contains the virus causing the disease was again put on desk, Chair or other young face, hands up ... do infect disease.

Physicians sometimes also spread the disease when they visit for patients with sore red eyes, no antiseptic hand carefully and put into another patient examination for eye lashes, accidentally triggers the disease.

A source spread the disease to other directly is by sharing towels, parasols, bowls and eye drops. As recommended, the types of eye drops need to be small eye way few cm. But not everyone knows this and small eye wrong way (the little lashes, shore mi) making the top potion is also bacterial infection causes the disease spread.

The disease can spread through the air as coughing do virus spreading outside air. Do the ancients have the sentence "do not look at it, it gets sore eyes!" is like to talk about the spread the disease through the air rather than merely look at that red eye pain.

Measures to prevent

The overall measure is quarantine people were infected. Pathogens have the ability to live in the environment for a few days.

The overall measure is quarantine people were infected. Pathogens have the ability to live in the environment for a few days. The disease can be the source of contagion continues after the disease a week. Therefore need to cut two lines spread the disease, a contagious source directly and through the air by avoiding touching the eyes and wash hands regularly with SOAP, especially after using the drugs to young eyes.

Do not share towels or handkerchiefs, dispose of paper towels after each use. Note need towels, bath towel dry clean with SOAP, bring sunshine to destroy bacteria, viruses cause disease.

Gargle with salt water every day or the mouthwash. 0.9% salt water into the eyes.

Disinfect the surface as the dining table, bath, washbasin and door knobs to prevent the spread of the disease.

Do not arbitrarily buy eye drops or other people's medication to young eyes when sick. Not up Strawberry leaves, betel leaves, ... on the eyes because it may cause more severe infections.

Should not wear contact lenses until the red eye pain were cured. The eye makeup and use cosmetic creams should also avoid eye area until the symptoms of pain red eyes no longer.

The hospital is also dispersed environment room in room due to the frequency between patients with healthy people in the hospital. Therefore, in the room should not go to the hospital when not needed and should avoid crowded places like markets, elevator.

So, you make the room red eye pain disease to health and does not affect your work as well as the ones in the family.=
