Seeing this sign indicates that your body is seriously deficient in vitamins

Vitamins are organic substances that are essential for the development of the body, maintaining health and playing a role in the functioning of organs.

Vitamins (13 vitamins)

+ Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3 (PP), B5, B6, B12.

+ Folacin (B9) and biotin (B8).

A healthy and balanced diet is the best way to provide vitamins and minerals to the body. However, even when eating well, you still have the potential to be deficient in important nutrients due to your age and sensitivity to health problems. Blood tests often detect a vitamin deficiency, but sometimes there are common deficiencies that can manifest on the skin, hair or nails.

Below are signs of nutrient deficiency that can be easily detected.

Dry hair

A few days of bad hair is normal, but if your hair is often dry, this could be a sign that you lack biotin or vitamin B7. Low levels of biotin can lead to brittle nails and thin hair. High doses of biotin through vitamin supplements can be helpful to improve hair quality and even treat diabetes. Healing foods: Eggs, almonds, hard-shelled nuts, beans and whole grains.

Bleeding gums

Normally, you may see some blood after flossing, but if you find your gums too sensitive, and you regularly bleed, it may be a sign of lack of vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency in your diet can lead to a condition called scurvy. Symptoms include easy bruising, easy bleeding and joint and muscle pain. Healing foods: Oranges, red peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries and grapefruit.

Lips cracked

This is a sign of iron or vitamin C deficiency. A lack of this vitamin can also lead to other problems such as thin hair, body weakness, poor immunity . To remedy in time, need to supplement the facts Iron or vitamin C-rich products such as red meats contain plenty of iron, red chili, bean products, fruits rich in vitamin C such as lemon, kiwi, strawberry, orange, tangerine .

Dry skin

As a sign of a lack of essential fatty acids like omega 6. Wanting smooth skin back, nutrition experts recommend using more foods like sunflower seeds, palm nuts, pine nuts .


This warning signifies your body is lacking in magnesium, vitamin B12 or vitamin B6.

Food helps to overcome this situation effectively as pumpkin seeds, bananas, prunes, cashews, mushrooms, soy milk, milk .

In addition, a lack of vitamins B, D, magnesium and zinc may also increase the feeling of pressure, anxiety, physical weakness and even stress.

Hair loss, dandruff

Signs of deficiency of Biotin, vitamin B7 or essential fatty acids. Fix by adding fish foods such as salmon, tuna . and nuts such as nuts, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds .

Rash on tongue

Being a body sign is missing vitamin B12, B3, iron and folic acid. Fix by adding food like black beans, avocado .

Acne acne in cheeks, arms and thighs

Your body may be deficient in vitamin A and vitamin D

You should eat less unsaturated fat and transfat.

You should eat lots of fish, flax seeds, dried fruits, almonds, walnuts, carrots, sweet potatoes and red bell peppers.

Cramps and pain in the legs and feet

Your body may be lacking in potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B.

You should eat more bananas, almonds, pumpkins, cherries, apples, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, chestnuts, and grapefruit.

Important note: the amount of these vitamins will be affected when you start training. Sweating will reduce the amount of water-soluble vitamins. But don't stop practicing, instead, supplement the recommended foods to make up for the lost vitamins.

In everyday life, there are times when the body has strange signs: dry, shedding, gums, bleeding, dermatitis, weight loss, dry eyes, night blindness, loss of appetite, fatigue . these are symptoms when the body lacks vitamins: A, B, C, E, B12, B1 .

Therefore, in order to protect the health, avoid the lack of vitamins for the body, we need to ensure a scientific diet with enough groups of proteins, fats, minerals, vegetables, fruits . .
