Signs and tips for curing allergy weather every time you switch seasons

Weather allergy is a very common disease when changing weather with weak, sensitive people. Although not life-threatening, this situation greatly affects daily life.

Seasonal atopic dermatitis is quite common in both children and adults. Depending on the location of each person, the condition is slightly different. According to modern medicine, skin allergy weather is a chronic disease, so far there is no definitive treatment. Patients with dermatitis are often very easily relapsed when weather changes occur. This condition often occurs in people with allergic conditions, or suffer from diseases such as asthma, or sinusitis, allergic weather rhinitis.

Signs of weather allergies

The most recognizable symptom of this disease is rash, rash and itching, especially in open skin such as arms, legs, face . Moreover, patients can get rhinitis with signs signs like sneezing, runny nose, sometimes accompanied by headaches.

However, weather allergies can lead to dangerous complications such as acute urticaria, which causes a rash throughout the body, rapid drop in blood pressure and difficulty breathing. Without timely treatment can lead to death.

Doctors recommend that, in case of pruritus, winter allergy, take care to use moisturizer (gel cream, cream), or body lotion to apply to the skin regularly.

Some ways to treat urticaria, allergic rashes

According to physician Phuc Toan Anh (Hanoi Oriental Medicine Association), if mild itching (allergies, rashes, cold urticaria) does not require medication, just abstain from wind, cold, cold and hot baths, pupae, Small fish and shrimp . and use the following tips:

Method 1 - When it rains very easily rash, urticaria: Get dry clothes for hot roasting pan and put on will all allergy hives due to cold rain. Or use hot cloth / pants, roasted silk to rub all over the area with rashes, allergies are gone.

Method 2 - Herbal medicine is simple, easy to do, benign:

- Perilla leaf (effect of sealing room, cure cold room).

- Menstruation (help with elimination of typhoid, help with sympathy, cure allergies).

- Clove leaves (help detoxify liver, treat allergies).

- Vegetable cheeks (help detoxify, cool liver, treat allergies, blood tonic .).

Each leaf on top takes 50g fresh - or 30g dry - put it in a blender, or sharpen it to drink water until itching stops.

Method 3 - Honey 2 tablespoons (30 ml), heat on the itchy skin, leave for 15 minutes, rinse. Natural moisturizing honey, antibacterial, restores damaged, antioxidant skin well.

Method 4 - Rose water and glycerine Glycerine mix well, apply to skin, helping skin to moisturize naturally.

Method 5 - Aloe (peel, use transparent plastic) rub on the itch, help keep water, skin tight and smooth, create protective film against dirt penetrating through pores.

Method 6 - Bathe with warm baking soda, 3 parts baking powder, 1 part water. Soaking in 30-60 minutes / day will reduce itching. After bathing, use a soft towel to gently pat itch.

Living habits help you limit the progress of weather allergies

Drinking fruit juice regularly is also a way to help the immune system to fight against allergies.

You should avoid smoking, alcoholic drinks, exposure to dust and pollen, because these are risk factors for allergy triggers.

You should keep your body temperature stable, avoid sudden or constant temperature changes.

If you sit in the air conditioner, you should only adjust the temperature difference of about 1-2 degrees compared to the outdoor weather.

To prevent the headache of weather allergy, you should eat a lot of green vegetables, vegetables with a lot of vitamin C, drink enough 2l of water every day to regulate the body, exercise and moderation to enhance health . You can also drink supplements B1, B6, B12.

You should avoid working under hot weather. In the winter, you should wear warm and keep your head warm, avoid noisy places that make the air stifling leading to lower blood pressure and cause headaches.
