Sleep on the night get plowed?

According to the results of studies of the University of Surrey (uk), the sleep cycle be overturning will serious devastation DNA. The researchers have delayed bedtime hour of 22 men and women healthy more 4 hours each day, within 3 days, until they go to bed at the time they often awake and vice versa.

Results of blood tests showed normal sleep, 6% of the gene of the research object is set to time increase or decrease in certain times of the day.

According to researchers, more than 97% of the gene becomes lost sync with the wrong hour sleep in case of working the night shift. (Photo: Alamy)

With a number of genes related to the process of protecting the body before the illness was very active during the day than at night. However, when done right the type of work the night shift, i.e. "sleep on, plowing the night", this rhythm was ruined.

Professor Derk-Jan Dijk, associates of Dr. Archer, described the impact on the "disorder". According to him, the research has helped us to understand the negative impact associated with the making of ca, the flight lasted, the aging and the other situation in which the rhythm of the gene has been broken.

The sleep on instead of the night will cause the biological clock daily rhythms of the body is broken and severely affected. It is the main cause for hormonal activity and the activity of the organs inside the body disorders. This does not only affect the pace of living, daily rest of us that it also caused adverse health effects.

If the condition of the body as on the disorder was long, you will fall into a State of frequent fatigue, reduced resistance, weak health. Moreover, it also causes the influence to spiritual work. According to experts, the turmoil in gene on the long term can lead to many health problems.=
