Super benefits of spinach basella: weak physiological cures, hemorrhoids, weight loss ...

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Super surprise benefits from basella out with health.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, then light can use basella as follows: take a handful of leaves basella washed, finely crushed Volkswagen along several grain of salt up to hemorrhoid swelling, and cook the soup with fish food basella diếc (eat both water and the piece) are very effective.

Reduce fat, cholesterol

The mucus of the spinach basella has the effect of cholesterol absorption, endogenous and exogenous cholesterol are on hold in the gut. Because cholesterol is locked active so fat in food is not absorbed by the intestine, membrane cholesterol through will be disposed through compost. Who wants to lose weight body obesity should eat spinach basella because it has low heat capacity, back through the u.s. and laxative.

Good for people with diabetes

Spinach basella help fat waste should be very good for people who have high blood sugar and fat.

Hot nasty breath treatment

If anorexia nose breathing fizzing out very unpleasant heat, then cook the chopped basella vegetable soup of the same crab food residue on the filter crushed his farewell lunch, this very effective way cool again.

Weak physiological cures

In the case of ejaculate too quickly and after intercourse often gets tired exhausted, pale, getting veg basella 1 holding, giền vegetables, cooked with a fist 1 Purple double oval (to raw fat layers and sheath), serve hot. Eat drink hot ginger tea. Before bed eat 1 spoonful of black sesame fried pineapple, mashed thoroughly chewing and swallowing, then drink 1 cup rice-wine water.

Reduce fat, cholesterol

The mucus of the spinach basella cholesterol absorption effects: endogenous and exogenous cholesterol are on hold in the gut. Because cholesterol is locked active so fat in food is not absorbed by the intestine, membrane cholesterol through will be disposed through compost. Who wants to lose weight body obesity should eat spinach basella because it has low heat capacity, back through the u.s. and laxative.

Constipation, bowel hot

 The effect of detoxification, the heat, the laxative to treat constipation.

In the summer, the hot sunny weather, many people suffer from constipation. Sweet Sour basella, non toxic, cold working, cooling, laxative to treat constipation

Increase milk to mothers after birth

Women born after less milk, eat spinach basella will much more milk. In the spinach basella A3, B3 vitamins, saponins, substances and mucus should iron good for pregnant women ... In addition to helping new mothers more milk, mau rehabilitation basella also makes the skin silky black hair, pinky.

Beauty skin

Basella leaves also have skin effect. Eating spinach basella helps the circulation of blood gases, laxative helps smooth cheeks, fresh. Or to the skin, smoothing wrinkles in the face, controversial rough can grab a few leaves basella non retired retrieved some grain of salt, juice, apply equally to the few times before going to bed.

How do wounds, good for arthritis

Among other things, a landslide vegetables from juice helps treat osteoarthritis pain.

Among other things, a landslide vegetables from juice can do heal Burns, mosquito nets with little extra wine Hock me to eat every day will help treat osteoarthritis pain.=
