Sweet potatoes brings gold for children's health

Sweet potato brought gold to the child's health.

Strengthen the immune system

The immune system of the child, a feeling for those sometimes can become a serious problem for the baby. Add sweet potatoes on the menu every week will help supplement much vitamin C, strengthens the resistance, pushing back many common diseases.

Vitamin D

More and more children are diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. This can be easily overcome if you eat sweet potatoes for baby. Vitamin D in sweet potatoes not only enhance energy for the baby but also help the baby to have the bones and a healthy heart .

Iron supplements

Children with anemia can be due to many causes, more common is anemia due to iron deficiency. Sweet potatoes contain iron should help prevent anemia at the same time promote produce leukemia. Also, the sweet potato was also created resistance, reduce stress to the child when the learning much.

Can cure the allergy

Sweet potatoes contain quercetin, a flavonoid types extremely good for your health with many benefits. It can help reduce LDL cholesterol and reduce symptoms of swelling, inflammation. In addition, quercetin is also acts as a natural antihistamin drugs have the effect against allergies.=
