Take 1 tablespoon of papaya seeds this way, making sure everyone is surprised by its miraculous effect

Papaya seeds have oleic and palmitic acid content. The fatty acids found in papaya seeds are believed to help our bodies fight cancer. Papaya seeds are also used to remove intestinal parasites from high levels of enzymes, a proteolytic agent that helps break down parasites and their eggs as well as non-digestible proteins in food. you eat.

Studies have shown that papaya seeds also have strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system and are particularly effective in killing E. coli, Salmonella, staph, and other bacterial infections.

Papaya seeds are extremely effective in treating rheumatism, arthritis, and joint pain. Due to the strong anti-inflammatory properties of papaya seeds. Two enzymes in papaya and papaya - including papain and chymopapain - can effectively reduce inflammation in general and arthritis in particular.

So, according to experts, you can use papaya seeds like using a spice in your daily diet. Just crushing a papaya spoon into 2 - 3 meals a day not only helps you prevent cancer, rheumatism, but also prevents some other common diseases.

Tri thorn spine with ripe papaya seeds

Papaya seeds when green are white and turn black when ripe, coated, bitter. In papaya seeds contain papain, an active ingredient that helps soften the muscles, especially they have the effect of "eroding" the spine very effectively.

Particularly, the content of papain contained in the seeds of mature papaya is very high. Therefore, it is best to use papaya seeds of ripe fruits to make spine medicine.

How to use papaya seeds to make spine medicine

Spine spine is a very common disease. Not only in middle age, the elderly but today the rate of spinal column diseases is gradually rejuvenating at a much lower age than before.

Spine spine causes you pain, reducing labor productivity, daily life disorders.

Step 1:

You should choose the mature papaya (papaya). Add, remove the seeds and place them in a small cloth or a small piece of cloth, rubbing the bead of the seed to remove all, taking the black and black particles inside.

Step 2:

Put all the black papaya seeds in the crushing bowl, if you are careful not to let the seeds get out, you can put them in a small cloth bag before you pound. Remember to remove the water before the pounding, only to allow the moisture to form.

Step 3:

Using papaya seeds has crushed into the spine area. Use clean gauze or cloth wrapped around the area to fix and help the papaya not drop.

You can also cover the area of ​​the ankle or the heel with spikes, the effect will be similar to spine spine.

How long does it take to use the medicine?

Each day you should only apply papaya seeds to your spine once in about 30 minutes. If you leave your skin too long, it will cause redness and irritation as long papaya seeds on your skin will burn your skin.

Persistently use for about 10-15 days for mild cases and 30 days or more in case the thorns are too big.


Papaya should not be eaten too much because papaya contains poison called carpine. A large number of carpine will cause you to have a pulse disorder and weaken the nervous system.

Because papaya seeds have a therapeutic effect, they will become toxic if you use excessive doses or use them on objects like pregnant women and babies. Therefore, if abuse of papaya seeds will be able to cause harm.

Experts recommend that the amount of papaya allowed in a normal person should not exceed one teaspoon per day.

Here are some uses of papaya seeds that will surprise you:

Treatment of cirrhosis

Papaya seeds contain important nutrients that help heal cirrhosis. What you need to do is take 1 teaspoon of papaya seeds, crush and add a cup of warm lemon juice. Early morning consumption will help treat cirrhosis extremely effectively.

Prevention of cancer

Substances in papaya seeds stop the growth of cancer cells and tumors. Papaya seeds help prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, blood, lung and prostate cancer.

Prevent kidney failure

Papaya seeds are also used to treat kidney disease. It also helps prevent kidney failure.

Kill parasites

Carpaine alkaloid in papaya can kill intestinal worms and parasites.

AIDS digestion

Enzyme papain in papaya helps support digestion. It improves digestive health and helps digest protein.

Good for rheumatism

Papaya's anti-inflammatory properties are good for treating arthritis and arthritis.
