The banned drugs used in 'that day'

Before using any of the drugs, the sisters need to reference and use according to the instructions of physician specialists, to ensure safe and healthy for myself, especially in the days of "red lights".

The banned drugs used in that day because of the extremely hazardous.

Hormonal drugs

In those days there were "red lights", the body's hormonal woman not be stable if used more hormonal medications will can lead to menstrual disorders and health effects.


Laxatives: laxatives such as magneslium sulfate, sodium sulfate, tumble ... ... can cause pelvic congestion, induced blood so as to need to avoid taking these medications throughout the menstrual cycle.


If this medication can cause menorrhagia phenomenon, even more severe bleeding during the menstrual period.

Anti drug appetite, reduce fat pills

The drugs contain the appetite suppressant ingredient, if used during the menstrual cycle can lead to menstrual disorders, difficulty, or palpitations, anxiety and can lead to a multitude of business.


Styptic as vitamin K ... can reduce the permeability of the capillaries, causing constriction of capillaries to promote the song blood out leads to stasis of blood.

Treatment of thyroid disease

Because these drugs can also do menstrual disorders, symptoms appear afraid of the heat, sweating, irregular heart rhythms, shoot weight.

Treatment of diarrhea

Because these drugs will stimulate the intestinal rings do the pelvic blood flow.

Treatment of gynecological inflammation

During menstruation, vaginal wet environment creates good conditions for bacterial growth. If the use of antibiotics would lead to the possibility of uterine cavity being encroached up on bacteria.

If you are experiencing menstruation during the trouble, you should visit a doctor to prescribe drugs rather than should not arbitrarily treated with the drugs.=
