The cure of diseases Cypress lemon salt you don't yet know

Lemon salt is made from the fresh lemon fruit, processed through several stages then soaked in salt and lemon Sun will ripen and give out the lemon salt.

The cure of diseases Cypress lemon salt you don't yet know.

Long ago, the ancient grandparents have known the effect of salt lime for the health as well as used to cure many common illnesses in his family. Thus, lemon salt has many uses or, please explore the wonderful uses of lemon salt.

Cure for flatulence, eating indigestible

If there is the feeling of fullness,, you chomp a piece of lemon salt or can with hot water and then drink the beams. Lemon salt works enhance the metabolism of food, reduction of obstacles along the abdomen, bloating, indigestion extremely effective.

Treat a sore throat

Mix lemon juice with salt mixture used to gargle three times a day will have the effect of reducing the feeling of burning pain due to inflammation of the throat.

Treatment, effective cough

Lemon peel salt has many essential oils, which help make the throat, the taste of lemon antiseptic salt can reduce neck itch right away.

Improve the digestive system

Sufferers of chronic intestinal use regular salt lemon to help ease digestion, improves the intestinal tract.

Goal of phlegm

Lime hydrated salt or drinking hot water beams help phlegm tan very quickly. Before going to sleep, shut up a slice of lemon salt, swallow slowly to sleep over, overnight you will see are miraculous effects of it.

Weight, shape

Lemon salt help burn fat, destruction of excess fat on your body go pretty fast. Compared with conventional methods can only lose weight in certain areas of the body, then the lemon juice Salt reduced fat Kettle admit all over the body (face, neck, arms, legs, neck, Chin, abdomen, buttocks, ...) very efficiently. So, if want to have a compact, toned physique, make hard lemonade drink warm salt every day.

In addition to the above uses, according to Oriental medicine, lemon salt also can be reduced in the blood, untreated, typhoid ...=
