The deadly harm from swab

The deadly harm from the swab.

Swab ear damage

Every time push the swab into the ear, you not only bring new germs into his ear but also pushing some Earwax on the inside. This is the Earwax is on the way out, but by the look, you thrust it back into the cause dirt and bacteria along with wax wear trapped inside.

Furthermore, your eardrum is a thin extremely sophisticated in the last part of the ear. When energetically stir, you may accidentally hit the eardrum and break it.

Eardrum can rupture with even with the pressure of a small cotton rods, cause you so much pain and may even hearing loss. Ruptured eardrum may eventually heal, but it takes time and cause you a lot of pain.

How to choose a safe swab

Poor quality cotton swab often has less cotton in the top two, cotton did not hang on to the top of the rod, when touch cotton, feels sticky, fibrous and not smooth, cotton usually handsome due to be bleached white as milk instead of natural cotton. Meanwhile, often small or swab sticks to oặt soft, oversize or is very hard. Especially the size of the electrodes, as well as the cotton head equally.

According to medical experts, to choose to be canned cotton swab package, ensure quality, the consumer should pay attention first of all to the product packaging. The packaging must be sealed tightly with plastic, packaging, thick plastic box, source, origin and clearly address of the manufacturer and of the raw materials used. At the same time, on the packaging should also specify product quality standards.

After that, it should pay attention to the quality of the toothpick sticks. The rods are. The ends must be cotton swab just enough, smooth, white and hang on to the top of the rod. At the same time, the toothpick sticks must have good elasticity, not too hard. To be more careful, consumers can also drop the cotton head out to check the quality of the early sharp whether it sticks or not. In addition, with regard to imported cotton swab, must have auditing and certification stamp of the Ministry of health.=
