The destruction of alcohol to each body part

1. Tim

Alcohol can cause addicts suffer from shortness of breath, heart arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythms).

Recent research indicates that antioxidants are found in a glass of red wine may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, but what happens when a Bangkok became a bottle. Over time, excessive use of alcohol will weaken the heart muscle, the result is an extraordinary Guide to blood circulation. The alcoholic drinking people indiscriminately and often suffer from a disease known as cardiomyopathy. People who are diagnosed with cardiomyopathy caused by alcohol are likely to suffer shortness of breath, heart arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythms), fatigue, cough and livers. Alcohol can also increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure.

2. No

Alcohol can cause depression, anxiety, dementia and seizures.

Except for the feeling of euphoria initially, alcohol can be harmful to the brain. By the slow adoption of information between neurotransmitters, ethanol in alcoholic beverages can also cause injury to many areas of the brain. Prolonged damage to the neurotransmitters of the brain can cause behavioral changes and mood as depression, anxiety, dementia and seizures.

Alcoholism combined with poor nutrition can also induce Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome "wet brain". Alcoholics with wet brain syndrome suffer from a form of depression characterized by memory loss, confusion, hallucinations, loss of motor coordination ability and inability to form new memories.


The liver has the role of food digestion, nutrient absorption, control infection and removing toxins from the body. Up to 2 million Americans suffer from diseases of the liver due to excessive alcohol use. Cirrhosis in line 12 in the causes of death in the u.s. in 2009. Out of more than 31 thousand deaths were reported this year, 48.2% is related to alcohol. For 3 people to a liver transplant in the us, a result of liver disease due to alcohol use.

4. The pancreas

Like the brain, using lots of wine can make pancreas disorders causing the secretion of enzymes inside instead of sending them to the small intestine. The accumulation of these enzymes in the pancreas will eventually cause inflammation of the pancreas, which can appear suddenly (acute pancreatitis) with symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, diarrhea and fever, or pancreatitis inflammation will gradually destroy the pancreas, leading to diabetes and even death.

5. The kidney

The influence of alcohol causing liver can also spread to the kidneys. Due to the effects of diuretic, alcohol did increase the amount of urine the body discharged causing the kidneys can't do the regulating body fluids including distributive sodium, zinc chloride ions and. This can make the electrolyte imbalance. Drinking too much can also lead to increased blood pressure, causes the Monday causing renal failure.=
