The disease is common in Office

Dry eyes

Work seamlessly with your computer will cause eye fatigue, chronic headaches, not only you but also can be dry or watery. That is because the eyes have to regulate too much in a long time should have led to the situation above. Comes with eye strain is dizziness, headaches and feeling the hangover. Computer waves harmful to the nervous system, eye aches also cause stress, along with it's stuffy atmosphere of the Office will render you susceptible to stress over.

So, you should let the eye leaving the screen 2 minutes per hour. Let sit, close your eyes or look away to feel relax.


When you leave a party haste to come to work or attend a meeting, you will feel the appetite soon after. This gradually became routine and then easily become health problems like indigestion.


It is said that, you should walk a bit after fed. However, as the population of the facility, you can not walk after eating that is sitting at his desk. This leads to indigestion.

Abdominal fat

Not only men, but women, abdominal Office also tend to more than normal, it is because they are sedentary, sitting posture, making the back area in the abdominal fat more than usual. That's not to mention the less excess calories, also lead to obesity.

Eating junk food can lead to unwanted weight gain. Most of the population of the facility are like just working and enjoy those snacks and fast food to save time and this leads to weight gain. To avoid abdominal fat, eat foods with low calories.

Therefore, if your job is less active, you must try to take advantage of every opportunity to be walking, limb operations. Instead of the elevator ride, climb stairs ... along with that is the fitness between the exercises.


Sometimes the work pressure can lead to health problems that the headaches are the most common. Some people with migraines do work too stressful.


This is a common health problem that most of the people working at the facility were made. Stress will lead to a series of health problems, both physically as well as mentally.


Working late on the night, not the logical break will lead to insomnia. The work is important but you should consider to have a sleep in moderation to protect health.

Neck pain

Sitting in front of a computer for hours can lead to neck pain. This is the reason why you should stretch the body a bit to not feel fatigue and cramps.

Back pain

Wrong sitting posture leads to back pain. You should sit on a Chair and make sure that the keyboard at just with your elbow. Do not set the keyboard above or below the elbow.

Tired of the pain

After a busy day's work, sometimes you see the body pain Hey moist. This is a common health problem in which people work are faced. If this condition is encountered, please shampoo bath, relax to relieve the pain.

Lazy athlete

Most people who work in offices are usually very lazy to get up early in the morning to exercise. You don't know that, get up early and exercise the morning brings a lot of benefits for health. In addition to improving the blood circulation, keep your heart healthy and relaxed mind, get up early and exercise in the morning will contribute to reduce stress.

Skin and respiratory diseases

In the environment at the Office, lacks the fresh air, the skin and the respiratory system will have problems. Lighter skin dehydration, Assembly, blotchy. Worse then the skin pimples, allergies, dry mouth, difficulty breathing and respiratory inflammation.

Drink lots of water, use a moisturizing cream and adding foods rich in vitamin A, C, E ... is the very thing needed for Office staff because they have the effects anti aging, restores the moisture as well as the elasticity to the skin cells. Sometimes, you try out the room to breathe in the fresh air to improve on the situation.=
