The food helps young sisters over the age


Not only is the food rich in vitamin E, avocado also contains many antioxidants, have the effect of helping to protect and regenerate your skin. So, to your skin looks fresh and healthy should complement the butter in his diet.


Amaranth is the food help children long for quality lutein-containing, here is an anti aging. At the same time, in the amaranth folic acid also helps the functioning of the brain and blood vessels.


Eggs are rich in iron and biotin are very good for the skin, keep the skin toned and healthy. Besides, this substance also helps to promote the growth of hair, making hair becomes thick and glossy.

Dark chocolate

Any type of dark chocolate would also both contain at least 70% cocoa, protein and vitamins B. Thus, when regularly eat dark chocolate helps destroy fat, improve your skin and your hair.

Sour milk

Yogurt is a source of calcium to the body, helping to prevent osteoporosis. Besides it also contain the good bacteria that protects the intestinal tract to digest food process better, reducing the diseases related to age issues, help children long ago.


Broccoli is great source of fiber and vitamin c. broccoli not only works to help weight control but also to help fight cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of declining health and do appear these signs of aging on your body.


Is long term, help children foods prolong because help purifies the blood, reduce cholesterol, anti aging, can provide large amounts of protein, and contains many zinc.


In the tomato contains lycopene, a substance many maintain the dynamism both mentally and physically. Could eating tomatoes, cooked tomatoes, or tomato juice are all good for lycopene does not decompose when processed.


Pumpkin is rich in vitamin C, have the effect of softening and stretching the skin very well. Eating often can resist the growth of wrinkles in the early stages of the aging process.


Carrots contain a huge amount of vitamin A, helps maintain hair gloss and soft to the skin.


Guava contains a lot of vitamin C, known as enemies of aging. Eat more guava will increase the production of collagen, erase wrinkles and smoothing the skin.


Nutrition characteristics and health care of bitter is: have lots of Vitamin C, Vitamin B1 and the alkaline type alkaloid creature (this make take the bitter taste); Second: galacturonic acid and pectin-containing. . These nutrients can promote appetite, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, blood circulation, the heat and make the spirit agreed upon.


Fish contain large concentrations of omega 3 fatty acids, are very good for your skin and health. If you want to have your skin youthful, smooth, stretch you should re-acquaint with salmon, tuna, mackerel or herring. This is also a great source of food to help reduce the risk of heart disease and breast cancer.=
