'The habit of gold' for a healthy heart

"The habit of gold" for a healthy heart.

Daily exercise

Should his breathing pacemaker to the heart can work stable blood to the brain and other organs in the body. Don't breathe that still causes lack of air will make a strong heartbeat and blood circulation disorders.

Exercise at least 30 minutes a day will result in healthy body, blood circulation gas, mentally awake, diseases including heart disease.

Sleeps from 7 to 8 hours per day

People who sleep fewer than six hours a night and shows the risk heart disease 3 times higher compared with those who slept from 7 to 8 hours. Get enough sleep helps regulate the activity of insulin. Lack of sleep causes increased insulin resistance increases in blood sugar (the main cause of diabetes mellitus type 2). This status lasted increases the risk of heart disease and obesity.

When going to sleep supine should limit will make the heart being inserted, the best is lying on the right side would be better for the heart.

The smile is good for the arteries

A true smile is a good remedy for maintaining human health. The body reacts with laughter by lowering cortisol stress hormone concentrations. Low cortisol levels to help reduce blood pressure and enhances immune ability while helping you to have a good mood. The study found that patients with depression, the risk of having a heart twice the normal. So if you want to have good health, you should add yourself to the "dose reconstruction" every day.

Sex twice a week

This is one of the most natural ways to improve cardiovascular health. The study found that, "in love" often help reduce blood pressure. In males, the sex at least twice a week has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

Cardiovascular disease usually work much during the winter due to other causes

1. The temperature too low

The experts said the cold will cause blood vessels to collect the co should people with hardening of the arteries prone to clogging the heart.

2. The habit of living with bipolar disorder

The lunar new year is one of the reasons heart disease getting worse due to the daily activities of being upside down, eating more ...

3. Campaigning too early on the morning of the winter mode

People with heart disease often sick in late afternoon and early morning, mainly due to the increase in blood pressure, faster heart rate, thyroid hormone-keeper increases.=
