The man suffered from cerebral hemorrhage because he regularly ate this familiar vegetable and the warning could not be passed

After the examination and CT scan, the doctor made a diagnosis, Mr. Vuong suffered from cerebral bleeding, and the situation was very dangerous and he was immediately hospitalized for monitoring and treatment. After finding out, the patient's family members said that three years before Mr. Wang during a health check found himself suffering from high blood pressure, but he did not take antihypertensive drugs for fear of side effects. By chance, see the health nutrition program that says celery has a blood pressure lowering effect. Therefore, Mr. Wang brought celery into the menu needed to eat every day, not to eat celery stir-fried but boiled celery.

At the first time of eating celery, Mr. Vuong found that it was really effective, blood pressure decreased slightly, each blood pressure measurement at 160 / 90mmHg, although still slightly high, but Mr. Wang felt that he had achieved Ideal blood pressure level. Every time Mr. Wang met his friends, he said, 'People look, I don't take blood pressure-lowering drugs, I eat celery a few years and my blood pressure is not high. Other people often have headaches, dizziness but I have no problem, my blood pressure is under control. ' He said, I do not need to take drugs, do not visit expensive, time-consuming and only eat celery has kept good health.

However, doctors said: "Sometimes patients with high blood pressure do not have a dizzying headache, this does not mean that there is no problem, celery is not a fairy herb. It is also not effective to treat high blood pressure, just like Mr. Wang clearly knows he has high blood pressure, and 'hide the fear of medicine', this is unacceptable. The previous pressure will still remain at a high level, when the weather gets cold, it will eventually lead to high blood pressure outbreaks, and Mr. Yang's brain hemorrhage is also caused by high blood pressure for too long to be used. control drugs'.

If you don't control high blood pressure, it's like a shadow, silently harming your health later, may even affect your life. However, many people do not understand the danger of high blood pressure for a long time, but think that long-term use of antihypertensive drugs may have side effects.

In fact, the current medical technology is very modern, the side effects of drugs are much less than the effects of high blood pressure. Most antihypertensive drugs have a long-lasting effect, not only helping blood pressure to be stable, convenient to use but also protecting the heart and kidneys.

Vegetables need a lot of use but many nutrition experts recommend that these people should not eat a lot of vegetables:

Women in menstrual periods should not eat vegetables. By this time it is necessary to keep the blood in the body warm. If you eat cold, weld-like foods like vegetables, blood will be irritated and changed in temperature, causing bad blood circulation, causing dysmenorrhea.

Besides, with the characteristics of heat-relieving, lowering blood pressure, vegetables should be recommended not to use for people with low blood pressure. Vegetables need to benefit people with high blood pressure.

People with pruritus or psoriasis should not eat much vegetables, because vegetables need to contain arachidon as a catalyst for the inflammatory reaction that makes the disease longer.
