The risk of 'dead people' when eating bread pavement

Street food has long become the needs of most people is the big city. The fast, compact medium meal, cheap was the top choice of most of the population of workers, students or those with low income, average ...

Something worth saying, any consumer would know well the potential risk when using street food, but they still "blindly put the foot", also the managers almost speechless with countless cafes rows, poor pavement food hygiene and keep racing each other grow up boys.

The risk of "dead people" when eating bread the sidewalk you should know.


Eating non-food quality assurance and animal sitting eating pavement dissipated just not hygienic, has caused severe illness for the body, including cancer.

The raw material of unknown origin, may contain chemicals, overdue to use, more air pollution, smoke and dust and no guarantee of hygiene caused contaminated body, injuries and create the tumors directly affect many other organs up, cause cancer.

Food poisoning

Sold bread in addition to the sidewalk could not guarantee food safety and hygiene. Some types of meat, sauce, ... of bread scales are often of unknown origin or not be processing clean.

Not only that, the old newspapers, dirty used bread and package the seller's hands are not clean is also the cause of unhygienic condition. That is why many cases eat bread poisoning pavement quite popular in recent times.


Sidewalk sandwich not be preserved well is one of the foods are very susceptible to bacterial infection, including the bacterium e. Coli, the bacterium which causes diarrhea, cholera and other diseases of the intestinal tract.

Many people have poor digestive tract which, when eaten bread in addition to the sidewalk finishing often diarrhea and digestive diseases mentioned above so the bread does not guarantee hygiene. In addition, many goods sold in poor hygiene, wet seats, including right near the waste water without even to Italy, causing the disease is increasing.

Harmful to the kidneys

The human type clamp onto the bread as meat, sausages, sauces, salads ... all contain more salt, exceeding the need of the body. So eating too much will make the body be edema due to area of water, no benefits both the kidney and heart.

Decreasing serious health

Sidewalk sandwich often causes not load enough nutrients necessary, add all the hygienic goods not consistent with disease, making the body more and suffer from depletion, easily infected, affects the lives and academic work.=
