The secret to preserve vitamin C in vegetables

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbis acid, are widely used and quite popular in the life every day, helping to strengthen and maintain health. If eaten in moderation the foods rich in vitamin C, in addition to increased immune system you will avoid many dangerous diseases.


However, if the processing and preservation of not properly, vitamin C is very or go missing. So what to do to maintain vitamin C in vegetables?

Should you choose to buy the fruits growing naturally, not to the green vegetables and fruit directly under the Sun. Should use a knife made of stainless steel material to peel and cut vegetables as well as fruits. When green vegetables, fruits that have been peeled and cleaned the need to use right away.

Should retain the shape of the Greens when boiled or Thai, cut them into slices, large pieces finely chopped them out instead. Do not soak the vegetables and fruits in water after washing them clean.  The secret to preserve vitamin C in vegetables 1

When green vegetables, fruits that have been peeled and cleaned the need to use the right

Instead, use paper towels to seepage of water still clinging on fruits and vegetables. During the cooking process, let the vegetables into the boiling water was absolute, when not for vegetables in the pot when the water is still cold. Should only use chopsticks made of wood and bamboo to the island green vegetables in cooking process instead of using metal chopsticks.

The metal will act as a catalyst to destroy vitamin C in food. To ensure that the amount of water in the pot to cook green vegetables should cook the most flooded. If left exposed to air when vegetables are being Chiseled, air will destroy vitamin C in vegetables.

Always cover the pot when steaming vegetable processing. Method of cleaning will create pressure to screen out oxygen. Therefore, vitamin C will oxidize (biodegradable) more than the normal level. As for the fried dishes, fried should use more oil for each vegetable pieces are always covered by a thin layer of oil.  This contributes to prevent making the amount of vitamin C is lost, and also helps the vegetables are not in direct contact with oxygen. You just need to give sufficient amount of cooking oil to be used and the island of truth are both arms in the process. Should not be reheated several times because vitamin C is lost as much.

So, should use the vegetables within about an hour since they are finished cooking. The salt will help protect the vitamin C in the diet. That is the reason why you should add more salt to the vegetable broth. Need for salt on vegetables soon after, cut vegetables to making salads and always cover the pot when cooking the food has vegetables.  =
