The secrets about the drinking water you don't yet know

Drinking water or clean water is the water type minimum purity enough to humans or animals, plants can drink, consumed, absorbed, or use which is less at risk of immediate harm or the long term.

In most developed countries, the drinking water supplied to households, the industrial and commercial activities are all drinking water must meet standards on hygiene (usually tap water, fresh water, water filter), although only a very small proportion is actually consumed or used in food processing or bathing or irrigation car wash, .... Clean water is a key criteria for evaluation of the quality of life.

Drinking water is always an important drink and sustain life for human beings and is the necessary condition for the survival of all living creatures on this earth. Water makes up about 70% of the mass of the human body and is an important component of the process of metabolism, a solvent for many substances dissolve the body.

People need 2.0 liter drink each day (about 8 cups water mortar) to good health and to note drinking water hygiene. Or drink the water of a wide range of qualities is bottled. Bottled water (or water jugs, water filter, or bottled spring water) was sold to the consumers all over the world.

Boost your metabolism

This is the largest effects of the water.

This is the largest effects of the water. Thanks to the provided enough water, metabolic processes in the body takes place smoothly and flawlessly than help processors process to produce energy and metabolize fat efficiently.

Disease prevention

The water helps prevent constipation by soften stool and easily inserted through the intestines, prevent urinary tract infections. Thanks to the moisturizing effects of skin which limited the skin wrinkles appear sooner.  Water also helps prevent infection and allergies often by keeping the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, eyes always wet. If drinking enough water every day, your body will avoid dehydration and the consequences caused by dehydration (dry skin, poor circulation more...).

"Maintenance" whole body

Water temperature adjustment the body to remove the waste from the kidneys.

The country has a protective effect to each cell in the body. In addition to reducing thirst. Water temperature adjustment the body to remove the waste from the kidneys, moisturizing the mucous membranes, stabilize the digestive system, lubrication of the joints, to maintain the viscosity of the blood and moisturizing the skin.

Can add many types of domestic liquid filter

Types of liquids such as milk, fruit juice, vegetable juice, soup ... water is also essential for the body because they just contribute in combination with filtered water to reduce the risk of hydtare (lack of water) just nutritional supplement for the body.  You can add the juices that you like, such as milk, fresh lemon juice, fresh fruit juices, coconut water, soups, cucumber juice, watermelon, tomato and celery ...=
