The signs of anemia seem to be alright, it is too late to discover

Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells, in other words these cells do not carry enough hemoglobin, or it does not perform well its function and role.

There are many types of anemia. The most common type is iron deficiency anemia. Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is full of iron, so if you don't have enough iron, your body will not be able to make hemoglobin, which in turn will lead to a lack of oxygen-rich blood.

Here are the signs of anemia

Dizziness, headache

Iron deficiency can also cause headaches or migraines. This is because the amount of oxygen in the brain is not enough to cause the blood vessels to swell, causing pressure leading to a headache or migraine.

In addition, people with iron deficiency may experience dizziness and dizziness. Dizziness originates from a lack of oxygen to the brain or may stem from low blood pressure due to poor oxidation of the heart and blood vessels

Abnormal fatigue

Fatigue is a very common symptom of people with iron deficiency. This phenomenon occurs because our bodies do not have enough iron to produce a protein called hemoglobin or hemoglobin in red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to Other parts of the body. When the body lacks hemoglobin, the oxygen supply to the tissues and organs will be less, causing the body to begin to feel tired.

However, fatigue is also considered a normal manifestation of our lives. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between symptoms of common fatigue and fatigue due to iron deficiency. Therefore, you should be aware that people who are tired of iron deficiency may add signs such as weakness, low energy levels, difficulty concentrating or reducing productivity.

Chest pain, difficulty breathing

Dyspnea or chest pain especially when you are physically active is another symptom of iron deficiency. The reason is that the hemoglobin content is less than normal, so the oxygen transported to the cells is limited. At that time, our bodies try to make up and make more oxygen for normal functioning organs, making you feel like you have difficulty breathing or chest pain.

Pale skin

When the body does not get enough oxygen or has reduced the number of red blood cells, our skin will change color and become very pale. This not only facial expression but also the whole body, especially the hands.

The corner of the lips is dry, cracked

Most of us have dry or cracked lips when it gets cold, but anemia can also cause this phenomenon, which affects most of the corners of the lips.

Broken nails

Broken nails are a less common symptom of iron deficiency and occur in the late stages of anemia. This situation is called koilonychia. Koilonychia is a nail disease in which the nail becomes unusually thin and becomes flat or even concave in shape.

Hair loss

If your hair suddenly sheds a lot, has a lot of hair on your comb or falls into a bun without cause, it could be a sign of anemia, indicating that your body is deficient in vitamins or important hormones.


Fast heartbeat can make you feel anxious. But if anxiety is new to you, increases or doesn't have a clear reason, it can be a sign that you are anemic.

Restless legs

It is estimated that up to 10% of people in the United States with restless leg syndrome, neurological disorders cause discomfort in the legs and other parts of the body and the impulse to move uncontrollably continuity.

Although it is not yet understood, about 15% of people with this expression also lack iron.

Black stool

Dark stools, blood in the stool or bleeding from the rectum may indicate anemia. However, it may also be a condition of the stomach or colon cancer so it is important to see a doctor immediately. Abdominal discomfort or changes in bowel habits are also important signs to observe.

How to overcome anemia

To prevent anemia, pay attention to diets rich in protein and iron: these amino acids are abundant in lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, soy .

Foods rich in iron and trace minerals in chicken liver, pig liver, cow, duck, kidney, heart, chicken, duck, pig, lean meat of cows, goats, chickens, ducks, egg yolks, seafood such as clams, oysters, mussels, fish and beans.

Enhance foods high in vitamins: vitamin B12 in foods rich in protein, vitamin C in vegetables, fresh fruits.

Use iron supplements.

Regular exercise: exercise methods such as walking, qigong, nursing, yoga, tai chi, breathing training are the best options to provide more oxygen to the brain as well as the whole body .
