The simple step of cure tips that miraculous

The hiccup is not only causing fatigue, annoyance, but also make you ashamed if a calendar event or nowhere.

In fact, there are many simple ways.
Hiccup caused by the sudden contraction of the diaphragm, often going off. If you want to run out soon, depending on condition and preferences, you can apply one of the following ways:
-Cold stones on two sides. Just more than a minute, you'll see immediately effective, the seizures disappeared.
-Drink small SIPs each continuously, the step will subside and then off.

Stone cold pressure is a cure for a step.
-If want to cure a step for other people, you can make an impact causing startled (such as sudden or unexpected one appears strong beats on the shoulder, or smashing a paper bag was blown stretch ear ... The surprise generated a debate or arguing the small grapes made victims because the focus of "fight" that all marks.
-Com mouth to breathe deeply, get flatulence into the chest but holding back gas without breathing out in round 10-15 seconds. Redoing such times, you will run out of step.
Mild-pressed two fingers into place on either side of the neck artery, gradually increasing the pressure until the feeling News (small children will lie to hand out) then reduce the pressure. Do about 5-6 times is off.
-Taking goal to the nose, inhaling the smell, you will sneeze and run out of step.
-Put tongue out off the size and keep the same in 5 seconds. Repeat 5-6 times. The step will terminate.
-Seal the ear (the most convenient is to use two-finger cursor) in about 3 minutes, then drink a few sips of cold water, you will run out of step.
-With children, you should apply the "gently" as for each SIP of drink, light or humorous storytelling Isle for his friendships laugh baby chappy, along with a spoonful of sugar to children and swallowed slowly ...
To prevent the step, you should not eat too fast or too no. If or a step, do not eat too many spices spicy hot, alcoholic beverages and stimulants.
If the speed choices appear often or lasts, you should go visit, because sometimes a step is the Cook of the diseases that lead to irritation of the diaphragm, such as pleural disease, pneumonia, inflammation of the liver, gastro-esophageal disorders ...
According To Vietnam