The unexpected benefits of planet me

Control blood pressure

Left me high potassium-containing twice the amount of potassium in the banana. Therefore, it has the effect of controlling blood pressure very good. Me help stabilize blood pressure by controlling the impacts of sodium in the body, avoid high sodium status to make blood pressure rise.

Preventing obesity

Components of result me contains riboflavin, help metabolize carbohydrates in the body into energy. Thus, when eating me, you still have more energy for its operations. In particular, the substance niacin have in me also help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the body, help avoid obesity and diseases related to blood pressure.

Good for the nervous system

Thiamine is a type of vitamin B has an important role with regard to the functioning of nerves and muscles. If the lack of thiamine, the membranes of nerve myelin wrap can be vulnerable. This is why you often have the feeling of numb limbs, cramps, fatigue, the sensation of pain as being mediocre and spikes in the palms, feet ... Me is a great source of thiamine with 29% concentrations should be very beneficial to our nervous system. Therefore, you should add the dish this item on the menu daily.

Prevent anemia

With iron content of up to 16%, the result of me will help us avoid blood shortage due to iron deficiency. In particular, very good for the sisters in the iron supplements is lost on these days, "red lights". Not only that, me also the fruit contains more calcium-positive support in the process of blood clotting. Therefore, it is considered food may help blood clotting mechanism operate more efficiently.

Helps strong bones

You can supplement the natural magnesium for the body by eating me and dishes from fresh tamarind. Recent studies have shown that people who have diets rich in potassium and magnesium will have high bone density and healthy than those who were not fully complement the two substances.

Prevent constipation

Me also is one of the fruits contain much fiber has effects that regulates peristalsis, natural laxative that causes no side effects. So, eat me can prevent constipation.

Resistance booster

The amount of protein available in me is also an important nutrient that helps the production of antibodies against the virus, bacteria cause disease when they invade the body. Parallel to that, the vitamin C from fruit me effective support in strengthening body resistance and very good for the teeth.

Anti oxidants

Bead me acts as antioxidants thanks to contain oligomeric proanthocyadin, has similar chemical composition in the seeds of grapes. Left me also helps lower cholesterol and enhance heart health.

Energy supply

If you feel tired, slacking, try using a little result me have sweet taste. The nutrients riboflavin in me will help metabolize carbohydrates in the body into energy. So, when to eat me, you do not need to load the more starch that still have energy for activities.

Cure morning sickness

To combat the sickness status during first pregnancies, you can use 30 g meat on me, for with 300 ml water, boil the remaining 200 ml, rinsed residue removal. For 10 g of white sugar on sexual harassment are, divided into 3 times to drink during the day. Drinking for several consecutive days will improve the situation effectively.

The sterilization

Please eat me to prevent the condition being deficiency of vitamin C in the body. The meat of the fruit me associated with water will form colloidal help system works well, also in combination with salt is rubbed pharmacies help treat osteoarthritis pain.

Mouthwash produced from left me help prevent painful burning throat. Up the meat me wound up becoming the inflamed will have good results. Water colors from left me also help intestinal antiseptic.

Help me seed treats diarrhea, expels worms and eliminate the parasites that live in the intestinal tract after only 48 hours. Also leaves me retire crushed up up burns to help decrease swelling and heal, very effective.

How to me to increase processing capacity

Part of the meat left me used to prepare jams or drinks, flavoring to food processing. Meat me dry is the key spice India and Central Asia. Me also used for salads, soups, rice of Indonesian sweet and sour sauce or Chinese.

Vietnamese people used me at all when life and nine to create a pleasant bar sour taste for dishes, for sour soup is the traditions of the South. You can mix two cups of the meat left me paste with a piece of fresh ginger and four left green peppers are finely crushed with water, two teaspoons of toasted fennel powder, one teaspoon of salt, six teaspoons of sugar-fine sand into the mix. When used to add little water you will have the same dish me food without easy processing.=
