These foods help sisters losing weight on new year


New year has many delicious dishes, but you don't forget this dish. It will help you lose weight , prevent excessive fat anymore due to contain more protein, help no longer. The eggs are many opt-in method of weight loss. However you should not eat many eggs.


Food is indispensable in the new year because it is the raw material for the processing of some of the dishes in this new year occasion. Mushrooms are foods that contain less calories, but rich in germanium, B vitamins should be very good in getting increases oxygenation in the body, vitamin B has positive effects in the process of metabolism, strengthens the immune system, reducing the ability to store fat. So the mushrooms become effective weight loss food.


Can use the tomatoes make the dish as a salad, soup, tomatoes or tomato juice. In the new year, you should eat with tomatoes in the dish to help reduce excessive fat, and preventing weight gain.

By tomatoes have more vitamin C, vitamins, minerals help the body toxins, waste and excess grease waste out especially the abdomen.


Cabbage is rich in vegetables, lutein, beta-carotene, vitamin C, folate, fiber, minerals, good for the digestive system. Actively participate in the process of metabolism, helps drain more energy, fiber of cabbage to help limit the constipation, excessive fat, absorb fat accumulation.

Fiber as much of the cholesterol in the blood will be less. You should be accompanied with cabbage in the dish: boiled, fried, cooked soup to medium weight back good for health.


This fish has a high protein intake very good for maintaining ideal blood sugar levels, reduces appetite.


According to the customs of the Vietnamese people, every spring on the occasion, the House has a melon to featured, with the view of Red melon will bring luck for the whole year. And fortunately, red melon is also a fruit help lose weight effectively and beautify the skin. So you need not worry because the weight had watermelon good for you support.

Green tea

Do you think green tea is nice little drink ideal for weight loss. Experts advise that each day should drink green tea will have effective weight loss effects. By green tea contains substances caffeine helps improve the amount of secretion of the stomach, helps digestion, strengthening the capacity of quick resolution of excessive fat.

The vitamin mixture substance in tea helps to reduce excessive fat in the body. Drinking green tea will not only lose weight but also help your skin more pink.


Beef and lean meats, not the skin and fat is the smart choice if you want all your family healthy without being fat.


Legumes and cereals is an ideal friend for your waistline to be perfect. The quality of the beans, maize, grain cereals will promote the digestive system, control the amount of sugar, do you no longer without worry about fat because low calorie function in the ideal level.

Also, please choose those with less saturated fat, less sodium, such as: white rice, potato, sugar beet, vegetables, fresh fruit, vegetable oil mixed with fresh vegetables, fish, meat is low in fat). green vegetables, broccoli, onions, mushrooms, tomato, pepper ...=
