Top 10 fruit should be eaten daily to never get cancer

The fruits are: strawberries, oranges, tangerines, apples, cantaloupe, kiwi, watermelon, lemon, grape, grapefruit, pineapple, Dragon ... In these fruits have some fruits contain special ingredients can prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, but other foods are difficult to replace.

1. Strawberries

In these fruits have effect against cancer, the strawberries are ranked number one. The fresh strawberries contain a type of tannic acid downright magic. It can generate are applied against toxins in the body, preventing the formation of cancer cells. In addition, the strawberry is also a kind of substance in amine, works great for the blood disease as prevention of leukemia, anemia ...

2. in citrus fruits

Orange, Tangerine, lemon, grapefruit ... are listed as the fruit in the citrus series. These fruits contain a lot of flavone type creature, capable of removing cancer-causing substances out of the body. At the same time, also enhances the anti-cancer substances important for body: as enhance vitamin C absorption.

Vitamin C has the ability to strengthen the immune system, prevent the formation of ammonium nitrite caused cancerous substances, certain effects in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer. In addition, there are also certain preventive effects for the cardiovascular-related diseases, obesity and diabetes.

3. Pomegranate

"The destruction" of the fruit are much more powerful than the assessment using blueberries, purple grape juice or green tea. Pomegranate contains polyphenol and isoflavone lecithin, the substances are said to have anti-inflammatory effects, helps protect healthy cells from the onslaught of the disease-causing cells.

In particular, allagic acid in pomegranate fruit can help prevent breast cancer by estrogen hormone secretion process control and prevent the development of cancer cells.

4. Grape

Resveratrol is one of the antioxidants in grape. Eat grapes each day can help us fight cancer as well as increase the amount of erythrocytes.

5. Papaya

Papayas are often seasonal ripening in the fall. Mild flavored fruit, vitamin C, folic acid is proven to have the ability to reduce the risk of cancer effectively. In addition to enjoying directly left nine plants, the sisters can combine with yogurt, processed into vitamins for easy eating.

6. Results of contract law

The nutrients are in incredibly rich lobe. Star fruit is a fruit and extreme good health booster, moreover also has anti-cancer effects. Lobe in the vitamin C is highest.

7. Mango

Scientists have studied polyphenols in Mango, especially of bioactive components of tannin in mango. The experts said, tannin is a type of polyphenol, has a bitter taste, often containing Grapeseed and tea leaves in. The study found, broken cell dividing cycle due to the polyphenols, this may be a mechanism to help mango likely prevent or inhibit cancer.

Cancer specialist Cancer Hospital of Guangzhou Modern conclusion: in conclusion, I believe that we have certain insights about some of the fruits that can prevent breast cancer mentioned above, hopefully the above information helpful for your health, because the health of ourselves , each of us must be active precautions to minimize the risk of breast cancer.

8. The Apple

Flavonoid compounds contained in Apple's protection, antioxidant, ascorbic acid conservation in cells, prevents the harmful factors to the result (bacteria, viruses, insects, etc.). It also has positive effects for health. Specifically, people who regularly eat apples reduce the risk facing the risk of common cancers such as cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus.


NA is a seasonal fruits. It intrigued people eat not only by the taste easy to eat but also thanks to the intake of essential nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals ... beneficial for health. Among them, the antioxidants in na as poly-phenols, asimicin and bullatacinare ... is proven to have the ability to fight the cancer, malaria and worms are very effective.

10. Ripe tomatoes

A study at Harvard University have proven that eating about 7-10 fresh tomatoes each week will help reduce the risk of cancer to 40%. The cause is by in ripe tomatoes are rich in lycopene (a carotenoid compounds), have anti-cancer properties. It is also an antioxidant and helps reduce the concentration of harmful fats in the blood.=
