Vitamin c: Taking anyway?

Every day our bodies must be provided in full the 13 nutrients called vitamins, including vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Unlike most of the other animals, the human body cannot manufacture vitamin c. vitamin C deficiency disease scurvy resulted with the classic symptoms: bleeding gums, slow wound healing, there are extensive bruises on the skin (often folk call "stain ma bite", the body susceptible to infection. But if the excess vitamin C?


To the right dose

Vitamin C has many green vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, fresh fruit juices in such as orange, lemon, Tangerine, grapefruit ... The primary function of vitamin C to help produce collagen, a key protein of the body (so that affects your skin), participated in the production of certain substances neurotransmitters and hormones, which help absorb and use the other nutritional factors. Vitamin C is also very important antioxidant (next to vitamin E, beta-carotene and minerals selenium).

Currently, vitamin C was sold as a medicine and functional food. Many people find vitamin C was sold as functional food for thought this type of user to arbitrarily without harm. It should be noted, do not abuse it too much because demand for recommended daily vitamin C the body is only 60mg (1 g of vitamin C is too much). Taking high doses of vitamin C (1 g/day) are at risk for diarrhea, gastrointestinal ulcers (if drinking at the empty belly), oxalate kidney stones (caused by oxalic acid is converted into dehydroascorbic create gravel), diarrhea, digestive disorders, decreased endurance erythrocytes.

Note on sparkling form vitamin C

A form of the drug is being used quite a lot nowadays is effervescent tablet, also known as the Alder Park by being released into water will froth, powerful gas makes rounds shattered, completely water soluble form easy to drink. Effervescent tablets C current common contains 1 g (1,000 mg) of vitamin C, more than 16 times the recommended daily needs. Only a few cases of lack of vitamins to a pathological condition called in, then use high doses of vitamins (called the therapeutic dose). Vitamin C also. The use of high doses of vitamin C to treat flu remain controversial, while used too every day very susceptible to the 1 g -effects as side said.

Also need to remind people with hypertension is absolutely not taking the form of effervescent in General, including Member C Alder. By having some people are salt diets, not eat salty, like sick people such as hypertension. Essence of the salt is sodium diets diets (table salt is sodium clorid), while any effervescent pill would also contain sodium (aim to react with citric acid contained in the tablet to see water will froth). If people with hypertension are treatment that eat a lot of salt or use substances that much sodium, the blood pressure will skyrocket.

Injections of vitamin C for beautiful skin: don't!

Women like to get fresh, youthful skin smooth, energetic stature is sure to have the complete nutrition and balanced nourishment, besides rest and appropriate Stadium. Can't have beautiful skin if the woman not eating to be provided a full and balanced in nutrients: protein, fat, powdered sugar, vitamins and minerals. Catalytic role vitamins own the enzyme system, boost your metabolism of other nutrients, particularly antioxidant prevents aging, see biological role mainly helping your skin fresh smooth.

However, people do not see the source of food, particularly vegetables, fruits are sources of abundant natural and safe help vitamin supplements that only favors the use of drugs. There are people, including some home treatment, do not take vitamin pills form without using injections. As more people take Laroscorbine (vitamin C injection form) or use intravenous preparations containing vitamin C combines with other substances such as alpha lipoic acid, glutathione (ALA), collagen (such as products named Biome G Alpha, Aqua skin EGF-Whitening ...) with the only reason is to do "white skin, beautiful skin"!

There are scientific studies verify the combination using intravenous or intramuscular preparations just tell whether or not the white skin, beautiful skin effects. If the analysis taking vitamin or taking intravenous combination preparations, we see just himself the danger rather than reaching a certain benefits in terms of health. Note, if non-sterile injections then the risk of dangerous infections, such as being ápxe, HIV infection, hepatitis B, C, ... in particular, the use of drugs injected easily cause body reactions (anaphylaxis) to spot when the body of drug intolerance. Should note that vitamin C, glutathione, ALA, collagen injections, especially intravenous have a risk of causing anaphylactic shock leading to death. Taking high doses of vitamin C (1 g/day) are at risk for diarrhea, gastrointestinal ulcers, oxalate kidney stones, diarrhea, digestive disorders, decreased endurance erythrocytes.

