Wedding night tears

Cure)- couples together "preserve" throughout the four years, in the wedding night Shreya hugging crying news tưởi, you discover the truth that her husband could not make "men" ...[links]There is the "illusions" about the wedding night, was the more poetic color: night of miracles, first night together, blend the two into one night!

But the wedding night is always a hidden number. The first night if both prepared carefully as possible, will be the great night of my life; on the contrary, can also be the night horrors with many situations unforeseen irony!

No little girl, Guy has leveled in the disillusionment of the first night as husband and wife. Leila, girls land mines Quảng Ninh has ever cried news tưởi:

"I cherished wedding night how much sweeter. Into the bathroom just thrilled, just glad to come out with the sexy bed skirt ... to be my husband embraces the night because my husband does not have the ability to do "men" ... So far, I'm still long girl! " Tears of the bride wedding night. Photo illustrations

However, Vivian's case is not the individual. Trying to "preserve" for her to make the wedding day, in the wedding night, the shock Of realizing the bride of his age 27 containing immature reproductive organs.

Trinh van (Group 4, Ward Le Hong Phong, Phu LY town, Henan) after four years of Labor export in South Korea about their hometown have run khấp so glad you love people still waiting. common hydro Don't want her to wait more or underestimate themselves, I'm married and "click" wait till wedding night. But everything is not beautiful as originally thought. Wedding night, exhausting when realized that the 27 year old bride but her "small" virgin raw to the point not yet mature.

Weak b. storage for both sexes when it is "Sun born". If there is blame, only responsible for insider did not frankly talk with each other. Or in the following situations, the responsibility for both was not careful examination before marriage.

Taken together, the new Commander (South) to the fire when he saw the couple "to drop" that forever hasn't had the baby. Two evil too, she urged the family to the city hospital. Here, she knew the news lightning that cervical cancer proved, like to save people then forced to cut the ovaries. So is the newlywed husband, she has lost the ability to do mom.

Cry to the fainting people, Nostalgic regret he had not examined the health sooner. Her husband is currently the people she loved and wanted to stick my whole life, hands together to build home with the child's Grand khỉnh. Would doubt she has brought unhappiness to him, so he must bear suffering with you.

Meanwhile, according to the medical expert, just a small clinic visits for both before the marriage is all the things "discreetly" it will expose. Two people can still advance to the marriage but were prepared spiritually. There are still ways to avoid tears wedding night. Photo illustrations

It is known that in developed countries, health check money marriage is compulsory for both men and women before marriage. However, in Vietnam just stop at the level recommended.

According to Dr. Nguyen Viet Tien, Director of the hospital 's central maternity, counselling health before marriage is just the exchange of ideas, answer questions between the doctor and the specialist needs. Advisory content including sexual dysfunction, contraceptives, reproductive health, genetic disease, visceral disease (heart, liver, lungs), genital organ diseases, mental diseases.

Professional operation consists of two main parts. A medical history review is right, the money was based on mental disorders, genital tract inflammation, infectious disease, genetic disease, poorly developed intellect, heart, liver, kidneys, menstrual status/ejaculation, blood relations, family medical history, reproductive status (with who ever married) ...

Two is the health check as height, weight, pulse, blood pressure, test center, visit the current state pathology are following treatment, visit external genitalia and in, with young unmarried then visit anal examination if needed to know the condition of the uterus; Ultrasound, mammography, blood tests, urine if necessary.

So, there's still a way to no longer tears roll wedding night long. Frank with you life, together go pelvic before the wedding will be the smart choice for young people.=
