What foods to avoid when taking medication

Orange juice

Orange juice contains more acidic so should not mix with the acid-resistant aluminum-containing medications. According to the doctor , the orange juice is also contraindicated when used with the antibiotics because antibiotics less sustainable in the acid environment.

Orange, Tangerine

Everybody knows that their home, Tangerine Orange contains a lot of vitamin C, and minerals are very good for the development of the body, helps strengthen the immune system, skin pinky, even lose weight . However, they are absolutely not suitable for those who are infected related to stomach pain, stomach acid heartburn indigestion symptoms or residual tomato perched. If used with anti-inflammatory medication, curing stomach pains, they will make the condition more and more severe, causing burns to the lining of the stomach and increases the amount of acid.


Bananas contain high potassium concentrations should not be allowed to use with diuretics. Very simply, if this type 2 shared will increase the accumulation of potassium in the body that cause cardiovascular complications and blood pressure.


The milk is not that fluid type specified for drinking with smoking because it affects the absorption of iron by the body. Calcium elements in milk was thought to hinder the effectiveness of the drug treatment of thyroid diseases. So, it is best you should wait at least 4 hours after taking drugs and drinks rich in calcium

During the oral antibiotics, need temporary abstinence or minimal routine use of milk and dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc.). Because, the calcium in milk response to antibiotics, creating calcium salts are insoluble in water.

Consequence: the drug only partially absorbed through the digestive system or fully removing and effectively declined significantly, or even without.


Grapefruit juice increases the absorption of too much medication in the blood, can cause hazard. Should not eat grapefruit when taking one of the following drugs:

-Some allergy medications: If used with grapefruit can be fatal for people with heart disease.

-The sedative, sleeping pill: When used with this class of drugs, eating grapefruit will cause dizziness.

-Reduce cholesterol Drugs: If you are taking the drugs to reduce cholesterol, you should not eat grapefruit, because it will cause a large amount of drugs remain in the body, is not the effect, leading to liver damage and muscle weakness, which can lead to kidney failure.

Whether eating or drinking grapefruit juice a few hours before or after you take your medicine can be dangerous, so it is best to avoid or limit chếloại food.


Coffee is also not used to taking drugs, as with other types of antibiotics. By much caffeine-containing coffee in, if used with the drug will reduce severe iron absorption.

Smoking and coffee not be used together because otherwise would make irritated stomach in strong intensity and cause pain. Some medications may feel the caffeine-induced stimulation for mucosa of the stomach.

This was considered to be side effects of the drug. So, when this same pill coffee will make side effects increasing, because coffee has caffeine substances in increased irritation to the lining of the stomach.

Beverages that contain alcohol

Normal day then the drinks were not good with people. But, if we did use them along with the drug is extremely dangerous. Those who are used for treatment of psychological illnesses, headaches, that combination will cause she will always feel sleepy, keep fraud đừ, tired, couldn't concentrate on school work or simply run the car to class every day.

Green tea

Although green tea is a beverage containing many antioxidants, capable of "defeating" the cancer cells but when drinking green tea anti-cancer drugs together, then this effect is virtually no longer.

Should not drink tea when are taking iron tablets. Available tananh compounds in tea suppress the ability of the iron absorption by the body. So drinking tea in times of need iron supplements will poorly or not effective. Cases like to drink, can drink minimum time 1.5 hours after taking the drug.


Should not eat the shrimp before and after 2 hours of oral vitamin C for chemical, copper is in the shrimp will oxidize vitamin C and the vitamin's effects, can even be dangerous.

A slug

Patients with hypertension or blood pressure medication regularly should avoid eating ginseng to avoid causing hypertension.


Garlic is the spices make up the smell of the dish but when combined with treatment of diabetes can cause reduced blood glucose in the blood suddenly.

The food is too rich in fiber

If consuming foods rich in fiber when taking drugs that can affect drug absorption by the stomach. This food group if used with debilitating drugs also would result in reverse.

Foods rich in vitamin K

Vitamin K-rich foods such as avocados, spinach, lettuce ngò fish, celery, cabbage, green left ... great for those who lack platelets-causes caused the blood thinning. But, one thing to note is that if you are sick of blood contains many platelets, the blood too condensed impede reciprocal circulation of blood in the body, they must stay away from these foods.

What foods contain more vitamin K will decrease the drug's therapeutic effects, as do increasing coagulation status and the amount of platelets in the body.=
