White radish-prevent cancer and treat ulcers good stomach

The radish is not just the dish delicious, familiar but also have the ability to prevent cancer.

Cancer prevention

The oil wealth and glycosid in radishes can exert effects for many types of catalysts, form the anti-cancer ingredient spicy spicy. This spicy ingredient can prevent cancer because it inhibits abnormal cell division. So, the more spicy radish, this component as many cancer-fighting ability, as well as possible.

Stomach ulcers

The nutrients in fruits and vegetables helps to promote and support the digestive system. The fiber in foods also help promote the absorption of zinc and minerals.

Those afflicting gastritis and inflammation of the lining of the stomach, digestion of food will be very difficult and impair directly to health. Let's remedy this situation by eating more white radish.

Treatment of hypertension

Those with hypertension, arteriosclerosis, should drink beet juice mixed with honey to better support for the treatment of the disease.

Improve your skin dry when handing the season

Eat turnip leaves have the beauty of the skin. By radish leaves rich in vitamin A, vitamin C can prevent skin aging, prevent h́ình into the skin, keeping lightening blemishes are soft and white.=
