' I do not yet know the smell of a man but the weather still breast milk '

I have read stories of Trungthanh. You confused, don't know why his lover vows never to stick but found that girl elected to secrete milk.[links]The embarrassment of a son not yet his wife as you are easy to understand and sympathize. But you, Sir, the normal women do not need to have children can still flow the milk as women are raising children suck. I am a married woman and my previous case also resembles the of-you girl you now. 21 years old, I did not know to man is nothing but strange taut round my chest and flowing of milk out frequently. Not in translation or room where the LaTeX, milk amend it. My mother had the curiosity to try then it smelled identical to grab with the milk of mothers are raising children poetry, a normal smell ngai afraid (as I said). My mother and my sister are taken as strange because never have this phenomenon. Even, my sister was pregnant until Saturday, also did not see signs of milk secretion, so that I do not have elected to get the milk. At that time, my mother and my sister and I suspect I suffer miscarriage. Because the instrument often say miscarriage or prematurity can also lead to the phenomenon of milk. At the time, I am warm memories. I swear that I never had a man hand, how to miscarriage or premature as they think. The following day, my nipples still stress. Look at it like her breasts are feeding any poetry. I'm also puzzled and worried. I want to go to the doctor but afraid to have the disease.

Would rather not know the disease live longer than know its fun to bring diseases that hug the sad melancholy to death, I think impracticable.

Also my daughter but I'm still getting more milk. Photo illustrations

I patiently wait see milk flow phenomenon lasted for how long. Parents are also afraid I was u or anything. She used the hand squeeze lightly viewed signs of papillary. Thankfully, at the time the chest I just stretch and not pain, no strange lumps in it at all. The flow of milk is what my mother's secret. However, it also made me formidable inferiority. I don't dare to wear the chest tight and thick padded shirt because it causes the secretion of milk. I have to take my mom's Bra wearing, look it doesn't look like there are a handful of the missing women. Almost 3 months later, I run out of natural milk flow phenomena. When the milk is no longer available, round natural also no longer stretch as before that return as at. I also don't see the pain at all. There is the strange thing is that in the time I have no milk flow of menstruation. But when the milk does not flow again I returned to normal status. The phenomenon that appears only once stretched for and acquires reappear but very little. 3 years later I married. The story I was natural milk flow at that I share with my husband. He overwhelmed and do not believe but the fact is that and I still was his daughter until retrieved. From his case, I think you Trungthanh not worry, if it is the milk, not the room in. You keep peace of mind that comes with his lover if you truly love her. Cordially United States Of America (District)=
