10 special secret about the 'girl' that she didn't know

1. The vagina is a part of the body

Most people usually use from the vagina to the parts department and its special sealed. However, in terms of appearance this term only those parts that relate to your body as the vulva (the show includes the labia inside and outside, the clitoris and perineum), cervix (the lower part of the uterus).

2. The labia are not completely symmetrical

The labia inside grace, butterfly-shaped. They can be hidden or hung in near the outer lips. The labia of most women is not completely symmetrical to one side the lips often is greater than the other.

3. The area around the "little girl" can have different colors

Sensitive areas of enclosed areas is not necessarily relevant to the rest of the skin color of your skin.

Many women have light skin still has the labia are brown or purple. Some women may have a darker or lighter than the color of the vulva.

You can also have different colors in the same parts of the vagina. Such as the labia may be darker but the perineum may have pale pink.

4. The size of the vagina are very sensitive

Usually, the size of the vagina is very small with the parts is compressed together. But when the vagina needs to open to accommodate the tampon or penis then either side of them like an open umbrella or a pleated skirt opening.

The vagina is usually hatched a few cm and it can become to times when childbirth.

5. extremely elastic vagina

As explained above, the vagina is extremely resilient and can fit in with a super large penis and it always tighten as normal after sex.

However, many of the sisters after confronting the birth process can feel her vagina loose. And to the vagina back like originally, sisters may have to exercise some certain exercises.

6. When the tension, "she" will hurt

Many people think that, even when you don't need to apply the "prelude," last look then can still struggle because of the delectable you will "improvising".

But in fact, this is not true. By the action of muscles when if the vagina can strain at first then you may experience pain. However the situation will be cleared when the faint desires.

7. it is teeming with bacteria

"Little girl" may be teeming with the kind of bad microorganisms but remained in control. So you don't get infections.

In addition, you can also find one of the beneficial bacteria are lactobacilli (also found in yogurt). This bacteria can help cure the yeast infection by placing a tablespoon of yogurt into the vagina or leave it on the ice.

8. "little girl" has the ability to self clean

Don't need DOUCHING or rinsing inside your vagina too deeply, because your vagina can clean itself with gas damaged.

So, just wash the outside of the vagina and the folds in the lip and on and along the perineum gently with warm water or a solution of natural hygiene.

9. To "fur box range" luxuriant around it is not necessary

In the past, many women are often not trimming the fur region to protect the vagina from bacteria and smells to attract the men.

But today, to "fur box range" luxuriant around vagina is unnecessary. Therefore, sisters or manicured or create eye catching for the region.

10. The smell of "girl" will more aggressively in the monthly cycle

Talk about scents, each vagina have a characteristic. However, the vagina is acidic trends before your menstrual cycle and often smelly menstrual periods.

In addition, the scent of "girl" can also worsen after sports training, during sex due to sweat and the natural lubrication.=
