3 drug that makes men impotent

The Antidepressants can cause erectile dysfunction in men.

Gastrointestinal drugs

The drugs inhibit room such as cimetidine, ranitidine and nizatidine are substances which exist widely in the gastrointestinal drugs, mainly to treat stomach ulcers, but they can also cause erectile dysfunction sex.

Metoclopramide (an anti-nausea medication) can also cause decreased interest in sex and erectile dysfunction in men due to increases in blood prolactin concentrations.


This is increasingly abused drugs, use more. The Group of men monamine oxidase inhibitors such as phenelzine, isocarboxazid ... distinct risk of causing sexual potential.

The antidepressants contain ingredients such as imipramine, amitriptyline, clomipramine ... can cause erectile dysfunction in men, abnormal ejaculation, no longer desires intimacy, but the proportion having lower than Group on drugs.

Selective serotonin inhibitors group mainly cause ejaculation dysfunction and erectile ability in men, occurs with all the agents in the group such as fluoxetine (20-75%), sertraline (20-67%) and paroxetine (20-30%). Lithium carbonate can also cause decrease the possibility of diamonds of between 5-50% of people use.

Prostate drug

Most of the drugs cure prostate disease easy to follow 5-α-reductase inhibitors can happen erectile dysfunction, reduced ejaculation and many other side effects .

In addition, the use of regular prostate drugs will affect the secretion of male hormones, affect sexualdesire.=
