3 harmful sports stories in the room the

Mr. Nguyen Hoai Bs North South Center, school, hospital and Free Germany said, some sports are very good for health, sexuality, such as jogging, yoga, athletics. However, there are some good sport for health, but not good for "it" If sexual perspective study.

Subjects: racing bike

Sexual perspective study, subjects of cycling is the enemy for reproductive health and sexual health. Because if the exercise training workshop by bike in a long time, then the constraints of pelvic minor frame bicycle saddle up very large, then the power of the whole body pack on the u.s. bracket pressed onto the saddle made to obstruct the entire system the Royal week in this area , which led to the operation of the "little boy" is not good.

Sexual perspective study, subjects of cycling is the enemy for reproductive health and sexual health.

In addition, there are a number of other risks from the bicycle saddle bicycle frame, large horizontal height can injure the artery blood supply to the penis. So, it also affects the blood supply process, process.

Bodybuilding subjects

The second sport affected not good to it as possible. Really not good bodybuilders for a reproductive health. To bodybuilders need to have textbooks, meticulous and expert guidance necessary to have supplementary exercises properly if not will not good for sexual health.

The second sport affected not good to it as possible.

In addition, those bodybuilders often tend to use the drugs to enable the body to grow. When using the basic medicine taken from outside into the body will immediately inhibit endogenous testosterone production process and thus affect both sexual relationship story, both the process of sperm production and affect fertility.


There are very good sports for females in "it". Running is also good for health but not good for "it" If sexual perspective study. As fast walking (running) so be advised women should exercise. Because the walk with a certain speed, about 5 km/hour with time about 30 minutes will help the circulatory system of the stronger woman pelvic muscles, hip, be more active, making this the solid and healthy. In particular, this sport is very suitable for the elderly, it will create for us a good sex life .

There are no good for the sport, "it".

According to the interview in people walking regularly often have a good sex life. Moreover, the walk gives the substance, the sebaceous glands under the skin secrete more mucus make our skin more youthful, to avoid the phenomenon of dry skin as in menopausal women.

Normally should exercise on the evening sports better is early morning. Except in the case of training to become a professional athlete, the exercise to improve fitness as well as sexual health with a normal person is should not be too 30 minutes. The sport of choice need appropriate to the season.=
