3 simply makes more every guy when 'love'

Sex is indispensable in life marriage.

Change the location to "love"

When five minutes of "love" on the couch or in bed sleeping becomes boring, you try to change by five minutes of "love" under the shower, in the bath, kitchen ...

The new landscape will increase excitement as well as stimulate the libido. When the more you are at risk of being detected, then the more you easily irritated.

Even when no one is at home, do it in an unfamiliar place is also created for you will feel someone caught at any time.

French Kiss

According to Lori Buckley, a sex therapist in the uk, you can fully render the amount of adrenaline in the body when worthwhile in the right of his men, without any irritation in the region.

All what you need to do is sit next to and kiss him.

This intimate gesture does not require much energy but created huge excitement. You can even "over the top" with a French Kiss.

Use skillful hands

You can fully use her skillful hands to make guy satisfies, however, with some men, like that's not enough for them. In this case, you can use the device "Self-indulgence" for men.

They rather not do your job but will make the guy feel being infiltrated "her baby". Remember to use more lubrication to form itchy skin rash.=
