3 vegetables help him more 'fullness' than

Spinach contains Arginine acid has the effect of increasing the endogenous NO do, increases the circulation of the penis.

Melon room escape ' horse ', sexual decline

Spicy mashed squash, sliced and soaked velvet reindeer. All nine on the way to eat steamed both hit 1 times in may help him avoid the status ' horse ' when the relationship.

Kidney impairment, sore lower back knee damage gas fatigue, decline in sex, you can improve the situation by applying the following formula: waky 100 g, 5 g, pigeon eggs velvet loc 5 results retrieved the yolk, oil, salt, spices.

Luffa aegyptiaca cure di essential

Can understand di essential is a disorder disease Physiology, in which the subject can not check out xoát is the process of ejaculation. To help resolve this situation, you should use the following formula:

Luffa aegyptiaca (luffa acutangula Frost exposure) 1 finely chopped pickled tuber of boiling water, 10 g gun. Cook bulbs into the Republic get water guns take to drink. Regular application of essential status will decline.


In edible acid Arginine has increased endogenous NO effects do, increasing circulation of the penis. Like boiled spinach dishes mix Marjoram, Sesame, groundnuts (roasted), sauteed garlic spinach works resonate very beneficial.=
