4 type of tree is the first medicine help out abdominal pain 'that day'

Dysmenorrhea is common in the case of women. When to monthly menstruation cycle, the sisters must face not only the symptoms of back pain, sore breasts, but also must face the abdominal pain is intense, even keeping people were hospitalized.

Take measures to eliminate the abdomen when that day came.

Useful tree templates

ICH has a bitter taste, cool calculation, the effect of active reduction of blood stasis, b., experiences, interests, was used to cure menstruation deadlock, dysmenorrhea, menstrual out too much. The seeds of interest template has a spicy, slightly warm, blood, blood tonic effects and experiences.

Wormwood rescue

Applying to have a bitter taste, smell, warmth, air conditioner, except South Korea is low, Wen Jing, stop bleeding. Applying is used to treat irregular menstruation, menstruation lasts, the fatigue ...

Pink flower

Spicy, warm and experienced on the two can, work break, born new blood, menstrual cure deadlock, climate, stillbirths.

In Oriental medicine, pink flower remedy irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps, finds disease the disease of menstruation , diseases bad d. (amenorrhee), gas disease damage, inflammation, inflammation of the ovaries.

Pure soy sprouts

As part of the soy germ contains many proteins and especially a substance similar to stimulate female hormone estrogen that many scientific projects prove good value in treating and preventing diseases, it is also called isoflavones are estrogen herbs.

Isoflavone lecithin of soya has the ability to fight the disease, such as osteoporosis, hypertension, heart, increase blood cholesterol, some cancers and other symptoms of menopause, such as vaginitis, menorrhagia, burned, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, anxiety, aggression.


To reduce the phenomenon of dysmenorrhea should girlfriend eating enough substance in the daily menu. On days the red lights, should rest and real gently.

Should abstinence stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol and spicy condiments, ... Avoid to cold, wet body during menstruation.=
