5 signs outside denounce the extremely inferior man in bed

He did not know to stop in time

Imagine you are standing with a group of friends, he comes and teases you. When you ask him to stop, he becomes even more joking because he thinks it's fun.

The same story will definitely happen in bed. And of course no one wants to do it with someone trying to do what they don't like, even if asked to stop.

Men have a deep voice

Women are often attracted to men with low, low voices. The low voice made them think of the masculinity of men. However, according to a recent study by the University of Western Australia, the deep voice in men is due to low levels of testosterone in the body.

Testosterone levels of male sex hormones directly determine the physiological needs of men. When testosterone levels are low, men with long-term desire decline lead to weak male physiology, emotional distress and obstruction to the sperm production process, adversely affecting the receptor process. pregnancy and childbirth.

Regular hair loss

According to scientists, hair loss can be a sign of thyroid disease or thyroid cancer. The thyroid gland has decreased ability to function and makes the eyebrows become thinner.

A study by the University of Modena in Italy on subjects with thyroid disease such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism showed that up to 65% of men with hypothyroidism show signs of impaired desire in husband and wife story, premature ejaculation, no ejaculation or late ejaculation. Of those with hyperthyroidism, up to 50% of them suffer from premature ejaculation, 17% suffer from desire loss and 15% are impotent. This can be considered as a sign of physiological weakness that wives pay attention to take measures to apply in time.

He doesn't kiss well

Not surprisingly, the technique of kissing and technique in a man's bed is on the same level. Sometimes, it is not that he does not kiss well, but that you do not like it, it is certainly not suitable for you to "get into bed".

Wrinkles on the earlobe

According to scientific researchers, men with wrinkles on the earlobe will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by 8 times more than normal. Meanwhile, hardening of arterial walls is the main cause of male physiological weaknesses.

Plaques that form inside the arteries make the blood transfusion narrow, making the blood flow to the penis lower than the blood flow to the heart. Therefore, the penis is not pumped up to the required amount of blood so it is difficult to erect and maintain an erection.
