9 foods should stay away before ' your love '

The sausage

Saturated fat there is in the sausage will clog the arteries in the penis and vagina, be detrimental to the process of entering the contest. Sex expert Jacqueline Richard for or type of food is considered a powerful catalyst for the room must be from fish. The omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish will support the cardiovascular system, stimulate the libido of the two factions.

Peppermint candy

Many young couples often use Peppermint gum to sweet breath, however the Mint essential oil has been shown to reduce testosterone levels, causing the sharp drop in sexual desire. So, if you really like the taste of peppermint, try Peppermint tea, they contain low concentrations of peppermint will therefore better for the process of "love".

Fried potatoes

Like sausages, French fries contain more fat can negatively affect to the testosterone levels and blood circulation. High salt concentrations also cause difficulties for men with a history of high blood pressure in the process of reaching orgasm.

If you love potato dishes, make up, not the potatoes baked it would unleash chemical dopamine which also improve time on your bed.


Contain high levels of Phytoestrogens, substances that many foods made from soybeans may increase estrogen. The amount of estrogen increase thyroid hormone disorder would do-sexual subjects in both men and women.


The type of map box contains high in sodium will participate in the process of reducing the degree of sexual desire in both men and women. Limit the use of canned, fresh foods enhanced to benefit the process of digestion, blood circulation.


Drink a lot of alcohol may reduce the sensitivity of the body and weakens the orgasm. The study also showed the men awake "up top" longer than is being drunk partners. Two glasses of wine a day is considered a rational mode.


We do not doubt the effect of oatmeal for health. They help the body produce serotonin, decreased stress, good for sex. But if more than 1 Bowl may have the opposite effect, reduces the libido. High fiber content in oatmeal also leads to feelings of bloating, discomfort.

Fruit after meals

The fruit can be digested quite quickly, so that can cause bloating, abdominal discomfort, cramping, and intestinal problems. Therefore, please wait for at least 2 hours after dinner.

Tonic drink

This seems to only be temporary for the Savior you feeling strong energetic but essentially do you not have enough energy to get you to the finish line. The amount of sugar in the water can reduce testosterone, suppress libido.=
