Bloody ejaculation guy, think right to infertility!

The disease of infertility in men is derived from the abnormal signs in the genitals which is manifest in the semen and penis have signs of physical illness such as:

-Pain during ejaculation or semen and blood: these are the hallmarks of the urethra, testicles, prostate can also cause ejaculation and blood. There are also a number of other causes such as acute inflammatory essential path, Crystal bags, inflammation of the prostate, Epididymis testicle or prostate cancer.

Pain during ejaculation or semen and blood is one of the symptoms of infertility in men.

-Semen freezing: When men ejaculate, semen characteristics quánh, wait about 60 seconds of semen is still liquid, not quánh a special liquid or 1 small insignificant part. This left the sperm in the semen trapped and unable to move on the inside of the vagina.

-Sperm clumping: When men ejaculate, semen is the small white particles like grains of rice, squeeze seen smooth like flour. Sperm clumping can do the sperm was weakened and dying, hard movement deep inside the vagina woman. The patient still has the life of normal sexual activity, still has the desire and arousal but comfortable conception will be difficult.

-Dilute semen: sperm diluting is a mixture between the sperm and the translation of many of the gonads secrete as: Room of the testes, epididymis, prostate ejaculation bags have the irregularities in one of its components.

Meanwhile, you're small or no sperm or have inadequate quantity and quality of sperm, not enough of the essential nature and protect the sperm. Dilute semen usually comes the semen status at least. Semen can at first as the vicissitudes in as the water wash the rice, could slightly smell fishy smelling, mucus.

-No mobile sperm, sperm, the sperm suffer malformations.

-Pain during sexual relations: in this case, when the male sex feel pain has many causes, such as prostatitis, bacterial infection.

Pain during sex can also be signs of infertility in men.

-In the trunk and the head of the penis there appear lesions: this sign is usually manifested by the u texture, syphilis or manifestations of cancer.

-Pain in the scrotal swelling and expression in the foreskin: The swelling expression of pain in the scrotum and foreskin appearance may be due to inflammation of the epididymis or testicle torsion testicle infection, foreskin.

-Gradual small testicles go, this could be the testicles were currency co do hurts after being twisted testicles or testicular inflammation. This can affect the production of sperm.

-The head of the penis with the room yellow or greenish: signs on as the expression of sexually transmitted disease, bacterial infection, or inflammation of the foreskin and urethra is manifest symptoms of infertility in men.

-Erectile dysfunction, male reproductive gland insufficiency, premature ejaculation or ejaculation, semen not upstream was launched, which flows backwards into the bladder, then urinating out, due to testicular torsion because of the amount of blood supply to the testicle congested triggers or the testicles are not in the right position.

Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of infertility in men.

-Urinating there sensation: symptoms of cystitis or lining of the urethra, urethral inflammation, as well as signs of infertility in men.

In addition, there appeared other infertility symptoms appear on the body such as: hair loss frequently, obesity, rapid weight gain, dry and wrinkled skin, reduced sexual desire, stress in the long run, the sense of crisis always have the feeling of worry, fear, and some causes related to pathologies of the body as in: pathology of the liver, kidneys, blood, diseases of the genital organs, the infection in the genital organs such as: prostatitis, inflammation of the epididymis testicle, infectious diseases, mumps, due to the influence of environment and living circumstances.

To avoid the unfortunate case about following the wings you antennae should seriously follow if abnormal signs appear above it should be to the doctor for advice .=
