Eat banana treat premature ejaculation

A recent study by the physicians of southern Chinese scientific confirmation, the banana is good remedy and required for these men suffer from premature ejaculation because of the amount of magnesium-rich.

Besides, the amount of magnesium and sodium in bananas have effects very large increases sexual abilities. Magnesium is an important substance that allows the muscles to relax and enhance calcium absorption, improves sperm health, increase fertility in men. Research shows that one of the reasons the semen liquefaction and elite quality weakness is lack of dietary magnesium.

The male doctor at Tsinghua University, China said, but the body's magnesium needs much less than daily calcium, but not so that it's less than the role. More than that, for men, magnesium is also significant, because if too many deficiencies will cause unspeakable suffering: crude essential som.

According to research, the European men and men of America are the popular audience phenomenon of lack of magnesium. If magnesium deficiency is easy to do strong factions failed in each forest battle, they also lead to other diseases such as hypertension, Dyslipidemia, diabetes ...

In addition to bananas, then men can add seaweed to cure premature ejaculation. Kelp is magnesium rich foods. For 100 g seaweed have to magnesium 460mg. Millet, maize, buckwheat, wheat, Sesame, peanut, potato, seafood and bananas, as well as the food contains more magnesium.

So an advice for you if want protects the "form" of his morning should eat a cereal Bowl mix milk and a banana.

Each day eat a banana can help the brain flexible, relaxed spirit. More eat bananas also help prevent the crude refined som as well as adverse ideological disappearing every time.=
