Effect of tomato with gentlemen

Here are the results from the analysis of 12 individual studies of various countries in the world and is the clinical Institute Cleverland (Ohio, USA) announced.

Dr. Ashok Agarwal, Director of the Center for reproductive medicine in the clinical Institute for, or all Cleverland studies showed that lycopene, not only has the effect of increasing the amount but also improve speed pool of sperm as well as reduce the number of abnormal sperm. Lycopene may help increase to 70% in the number of "elite".

"Many studies show that lycopenne substances beneficial for the reproductive organs of the male. At the same time this nutrient also helps to reduce the risk of cancer of the prostate. Lycopenne, even longer to slow or stop the level progression of this cancer ".

The research group of Dr. Ashok Agarwal began additional testing lycopene for the men suffer from infertility. They hope to publish the test results in the years to come.

According to Dr. Agarwai, the "need to take the test on a larger scale to analyze the effects of lycopene up fertility in men. Research is also needed to identify groups of patients who would respond well to this treatment. "=
