Food help him 'tough' in summer

1. Soup

Striped fish sour soup

Striped fish 200-300 g tomato, 100-150 g. Clean fish, remove the slimy bowel, FRY; wash the tomato Crown pieces, for on the island are, add water, spicy taste. Cook broth. Eat rather packed during the day. Coated effect, enhances stamina.

Rhee flower soup cooked meat

200 g 100 g meat, natural flower storage, seasoning, garlic, sauce. Meat is chopped, marinated meat washed with 1 table spoon of sauce, a bit of garlic. Then the meat into small pellets. Heavenly flower stalks removed, offering pick up storage rinse and then drained. Place the pot over the stove, for on 2 tsp. seasoning. Boiling water for the meat on. When you see the meat of nine emerged then for storage.

Boiling water back about 2 minutes, then turn off the stove, flavoring if you see a little bit more for the pale sauce for deep and then scoop out soup bowl, serve hot.

Several studies noted United Rhee contains a lot of vitamin E, especially zinc and some other minerals, is essential for the operation of the human genitalia. Old grandparents have the sentence: "Hurt my husband cooked porridge le le, United States, cook soup Lotus seed tea"; shows the folk experience using Rhee positive aid drugs for men is there scientific basis.

2. stir fried Dishes

Steel trap sauteed leaf chives

Steel trap meat 300 g, 100 g chives leaves, 50 ml oil, just enough spice. Steel trap boil, take the meat, chives leaves washed Thai song. Pour the oil into a pan, heat, steel trap, Add seasonings, stir-fry for hunting, for leaf chives into the island, with a steel trap for about 5 minutes, serve hot. Fix Ocean nuy, less essential.

Sauteed radish quail

Quail 2 children clean the hair removing internal organs, small pieces, fried hot, about 15 minutes, then for 200 g julienne beets on FRY. When meat is cooked add the ground spices, ginger and cooking oil, 1 spoon white wine. Eat with rice. Effect: kidney tonic, curing back pain, fatigue, people knees weakened.

3. Fruit


In the fruit contain bufotenine impact the nervous system helps us mood buoyed, more comfortable, especially making men desire as well as "tough" in "it" more. Bufitenine has more substance in the inner layer of banana peels, so stop the rush throw banana peels in the bin, you can use a spoon to hysterectomy retrieved Monday this potion.


Scientists in Texas of the United States pointed out that watermelon has effects similar to Viagra. In watermelon contains citrulline amino acid types and more. The watermelon-eating regularly will help your blood vessels stretch well. Melons also help the lives of men add fullness.


With red berry colors and unexpected effects, tomatoes are considered minor result of love. High vitamin A content in the fruit help male hormone hormones to produce more powerful, will make the life of bedding the young couples in the summer by adding the "hot".

4. Spices


In many cases, garlic is considered the "Devil" makes you lose points in the eyes of the other because of this food makes your breathing becomes uncomfortable. But in the main contained substances of garlic allicin that helps good blood circulation and enhances sexual desire.


A study by British scientists point out the male mouse was eating ginger daily "healthy, supple". Scientists believe that ginger also has similar effects to humans. Therefore, you should add the ginger to the list of essential foods daily.


According to Westerners, the God Pluto-the symbol of sex has to eat celery in every meal. Today, scientific studies indicate that, in this foods contain a lot of androstenone and androstenol enhances the male hormones, makes men become more charming in the eyes of the Eva. In addition, celery is also a herbal stuff help teeth better if used daily.=
