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Starting from the age of 30, the amount of testosterone in males will decrease, causing the condition reduced sexualdesire, erectile dysfunction, psychological changes, problems with memory and concentration. Below are the types of foods you should supplement in the diet to increase the amount of testosterone.

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In the first century AD, the scientists have found the remains of the occurrence species fish lettuce used as these foods helps sexual arousal.

Lettuce contains minerals and abundant oxidising, against the toxins from environmental contamination, affect sexual desire and demand.


Honey is a natural product is known for the ability to cure a variety of ailments. Honey contains boron, a chemical substance rich in testosterone and nitric oxide, which has the effect of making dilated blood vessels, improving erection.


Cabbage contains full of vitamins and minerals which have indole-3-carbinol, is likely to reduce estrogen (hormone-mône female genital) and increased activity of testosterone.


Is one of the vegetables that contain the highest amount of nitrates used to improve blood circulation, amount needed for the sexual health of young couples.=
