Men not urinating after love '

Due to the male genitalia structure not suitable for urinating after intercourse

In women, this is in a certain level can prevent urinary tract infections, because the female's urethra is short and straight, so during sex bacteria easily go backwards on the inside.

But for men, urinating immediately after sexual intercourse can adversely affect health. After ejaculation, the best men should rest 1 at then new urinating.

Ejaculation is operated under sexual stimulation, the pressure of the urethra and prostate to accumulate leave up to a certain level, through the contraction of the perineal muscles cause the semen to be stored in the urethra after being excreted out.

So, if after ejaculation which urinate immediately, then the congestion in genitalia hasn't subsided. Not only will you feel symptoms like: wait urinating, weakness or even urinate out, because the pressure of the urethra and prostate gland has not completely subsided, urination is also causing the reflux of urine, long day will easily lead to inflammation of the prostate.

The cycle of male sex

In addition, the sexual response cycle between men and women is different, sexual desire in men quickly disappeared after ejaculation, while women libido after reaching the orgasm slowly subsided, if the man immediately got up to go pee on this point , will inevitably lack caress, caring after done "it" and make life significantly lessened sexual harmony.

So, after the best male ejaculation should rest within 5-10 minutes, after congestive status gone new urination, this not only prevention of prostatitis that also works great in the making of harmonious sexual life. Moreover, right after sex should promptly rinse "boy", if not then the semen and vaginal woman will be back in the sack of testicles, can easily cause infection.=
