Posture help sisters orgasm for


Some women have experienced orgasm when childbirth.

Those who reach orgasm four or more times a week looks younger than 7 years compared with the real age, according to a study.

The word "orgasm" retrieved from "orgasmos" in Greek means "swollen or irritated".

Some men ejaculate in a natural way when they're ... worried.

Meditation, reading, eating, urination, even breastfeeding can also bring to orgasm, according to a study.

Some women fainted when the orgasm.

About 70% of women don't reach orgasm just through "penetration", that is the reason why foreplay and stimulation is very important.

Bow posture ("ban" from behind) is one of the best posture help women orgasm because it stimulates both the clitoris and the point "G".

Nearly 1/3 of men pretending to reach orgasm. According to a study by the University of Kansas (USA), the male orgasm usually coincide with ejaculation, but not ejaculate the orgasm also.

2/3 of women experiencing multiple violent orgasm, according to the global sex survey LELO.

When men ejaculate they produce about a teaspoon of semen.

Masturbation is not only one of the easiest ways for women to achieve orgasm, but also as a way to relieve menstrual cramps.

Can orgasms cure or relieve migraines and headaches, according to a study.=
