Real smoking se snugly, do her ' pink '

After birth, most women are experiencing "closed zone" relax, change shape, size and color. This makes my sister self-esteem, less sense when near her husband, left the husbands also many little dissapointed. Before that, demand the types of pills, gels help astringent vaginal, miniature snugly was launched, advertising spilling over the network page.

Headline, the address is ... car repair shop

Surf around a site selling online, we found the drugs se snugly, shrunk the vagina is headline enough with enough type bid. The majority of the ads said the drug is effective immediately, just use 5-15 hours ago the relations will do se fit, toned girl as daughter. Moreover, many products also recommended increasing the pleasure, pink vagina. To the more assured, have also quoted page of a woman: "from the day, my husband was at home more often, do not see the night away about 2 minutes as before."

With the money from 300,000 to more than 2 million contract, the customer has the right to a drug product drink, gels, sprays ... support "bedding". Reportedly, who needs to order the transfer of funds through the accounts, the store's staff will direct traffic if near the remote, can send through the Post Office.

We choose a product that address specific store and call your phone on the website. Salesman consulting has three drugs: the first type of pellets, 2.2 million price/box, herbal extracts; the second type spray, price 2.1 million bottles, spray on "closed zone" 5 hours ago relationship and a kind of 800,000 VND. See also voice falter, this staff consulted more smoking very well, there were a lot of people use and completely satisfied. "So you get kind of?"-you ask the salesman, we reason Institute learn more and place an order to end the call. Her staff said any customer learn more, all enquiries will be consulted directly on the web.

We continue to learn the product on another site address Street, Phu Nhuan district, who said the phone shop we sell up to 5 categories. When a written offer to take the store for advice use and selection, his voice slightly sales staff wonder but then agree. Looking to the locations on the we surprise when sales is a car shop. Phone calls to identify again, the sales person for the address is ... shop condoms right next to.

Here, the salesman launched three types: Doc Johnson Reverse, Embrace (General price 800,000 Dong), Femystique (320,000 dollars). When we wonder about not a Vietnamese text or extra label on the product, the salesman explains, "since this is the drug imported from abroad should not have the word Vietnam". People say if you want to learn more, then go online, on the website introduced very carefully.

When asked about the use, sales staff said the drug very well, has a lot of users, does not cause allergy. Smoking is not the astringent snugly the vagina but also helps women increase pleasure when "love".

A site peddling gel se snugly.

Can cause burns, itching, dry "closed zone"

Under ThS-BS Nguyen trong Hao, head of planning-General HOSPITAL Dermatology HCM, the vagina is the mucosal skin and mucosal sale should the risk of irritation and allergy. So, my sister should consider carefully when using these medications for this skin.

According to DR. Le Thi Thu HA-BS, Deputy Head of A Maternity hospital From Took, on the market today have so many drugs advertised do vaginal rejuvenation, fit, toned, easy to reach pleasure ... the majority of the drugs were ad with innovative components such as 100% extracts from nature to people who buy the rest assured that use.

BS Thu HA said such ads on unreliable. Any product would use directly on the body of unknown origin, composition and the effects can be detrimental in terms of health. When used on the surface of the skin, mucous membranes, drugs unknown components can cause burns, itching, dry or vice versa, increase more room. That's not to mention the possible toxicity contained in the product. "Poisonous Drugs will affect the whole body health: liver, kidney, blood ..."-BS Thu HA stressed.

According to experts, when having a problem about "bedding", good for the young couples should live to see BS for advice. If intending to use oral medications, sprays, gels, and sisters should search expert to check the instructions before use.

The method to narrow the "little girl" safe

According to DR Le Thi Thu HA, now BV From the completely non-smoking Took se snugly, shrunk the vagina. Women in need of cosmetic surgery can only narrow the vagina and Kegel exercise helps the body mu-toned Penguin to overcome vaginal laxity due to childbirth.

Most of the major products such as specialty have BV: From Took, Hung Vuong, BV Medical University, international maternity ... cosmetic surgery is done to narrow the vagina. As for the BS, this is a relatively simple surgery.=
