Reason for you to do 'it' right tonight

Sex help you feel that to be loved.

To help you appreciate yourself more than

You will feel more confident if was seen as glamorous and people are longing for. Sex help you feel that ourselves are loved, immersed in the blend and confident about her body.

Help you get smarter

According to experts at the University of Maryland (USA), the sexual activity often associated with strengthening the power of the brain in mice.

They noted was the formation of new brain cells in mice after mating.  However, the benefits on to the brain will be lost if the mating recess creatures.

According to the research, then if you do "it" in a way science will help stimulate the development of the brain.

Reduce the risk of heart attack

The study found "it" reduces the risk of heart attack due to the use made of lower blood pressure, reduce stress, tan erase worries, against hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline of tension.

Lower blood pressure

There is a very clear relationship between "it" and the ability to reduce blood pressure levels in the body. According to site, there are many studies demonstrating the benefits of the activity in the room the with reducing the level of blood pressure.

This has very important meaning for the wings you beard, who always have the risk of high blood pressure increases than females. A point worthy of note is the only active "Committee" between traditional male and female new helps reduce blood pressure levels, according to the results of a study (excluding cases of "self treat" yourself, guys!).

Help detect other health issues

The health problems encountered when doing "it" can be a sign of other illnesses that you need to discover and visit to a doctor. For example, erectile dysfunction can be signs of vascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. For women, vaginal dryness can be the expression of thyroid problems in the early stages of perimenopausal period.

If it detects problems on during or after sex, please see a health care professional or your doctor for care.

With her elected it will prevent bad production stutters

Money or property to the increase in blood pressure in the second phase of pregnancy are quite common place. Besides the use of medications, dietary changes and lifestyle, to control the trouble is more effective, you can consult the advice of obstetrician about living the room schedule accordingly.

By sexual activity have been shown to have the ability to help control symptoms production stutters in pregnant women. The secret lies in a special protein called HLA-G in the sperm of men. They help to regulate the immune system of the body and reduce blood pressure level in women who are pregnant.=
