Sexual diseases and the things women must know

Sexual diseases or STDs. STDs in women primarily transmitted vaginal, anal or oral sex.

Having sex do you risk infecting the sexually transmitted disease.

If you have sexualintercourse, there is only one way to help you get out of the sexually transmitted disease is the safe-sex means sexual intercourse using a condom correctly every time sex. If you are not using condoms, you will have the risk of bacterial infection sexually transmitted.

Not only have many people you love getting new infections transmitted sexually.

Bacterial sexually transmitted irrespective of age, sex, or marital status (married/unmarried). Having sex do you risk infecting the sexually transmitted disease.

However, a lot of sexually transmitted infections when sex has made do not manifest symptoms that you have been infected.

In America, each year there are about 9 million teenagers getting sexually transmitted disease (STD). Scary is more than half of them don't even know themselves infected.


Symptoms such as pain or hot burning during urination, frequent urination or bloody urine ... could be symptoms of STDs.

Vaginal anomalies

Vaginal in women is normal condition. However, exudates in the vagina that are yellow or green, odors can be a sign of sexual diseases, such as bacterial vaginosis, Chlammydia mushrooms, gonorrhea and Trichomonas infection.

Itchy vagina

Itching is a symptom that may or may not be related to STDs. Lesions in the skin around the vaginal area such as itching, sores or grainy can be due to many causes.

However, according to many reports , the majority of people who suffer from this symptom is usually caused by genital herpes, syphilis or other sexual diseases cause.

Pain during intercourse

This is an often overlooked but symptoms abdominal pain or pelvic pain can be signs of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID-is an infection of the female reproductive organs), the most common cause of the disease is caused by chlamydia or gonorrhea.

Abnormal bleeding

Abnormal bleeding can be a sign of pelvic inflammatory disease or diseases related to STDs.

Rash or sores

These small pimples or sores floating around the mouth or vagina can be signs of herpes, HPV disease, even syphilis.=
