She has one of these six signs that is good at it, and all 6 guys are hungry

1. She has a sexy step

'Confidence is very charming, and if a girl is confident in many other areas, she is more likely to be confident in the bedroom.' - sexologist Jessica O'Reilly, author of Hot sex tips, Trick and licks, reveal.

You can also help her increase her confidence by praising her comfort and encouraging her to become a passionate, assertive lover.

2. She tied the bee's bottom

The smaller waist women are powerful people in "that". In the past, the strawberry pickers liked people with small rounds, the 'great' third round because they promised to give birth to a great grandchild. In order not to experience it, the instruments also conveyed the sentence: 'Those who tie the bottom of the bee's back, have cleverly and cleverly raised their children'.

Waist-hip ratio (WHR, which is the measure of the waist area of ​​the waist and the largest bulge of the buttock) was also reported by women, who had a waist-to-hip ratio of 0 , 7 has the female hormone in the best state. The female hormone helps women to have sexual activity and to produce fullness. Not only that, these women are less prone to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, ovarian cancer .

3. She is not shy when it comes to 'that story'

For women who have a high demand for bedside, they obviously care and learn more about this topic, gradually, they find that 'it' is very normal. Also because they like 'sex' so when it comes to it, they tend to be more open and comfortable when it comes to it.

4. The taste of ice cream she loves

Is there any connection between the cupboard and her sex ability? Alan Hirsch, a physician, neurologist and director of the Center for Odor and Taste Therapy Research in Chicago, conducted a study of 720 people aged 24 to 59, to learn about cream flavors. How they love influences their character.

While other flavors correspond to qualities such as low self-esteem or conservatism, Hirsch found that coffee-flavored people tend to be strong, sensual and slightly lightheaded. So if you call an expresso ice cream cone, get ready for a memorable trip!

5. She knows how to release her body

It is not surprising that athletes are usually very good at 'sex'. Sports not only bring about drastic, physical fitness, but we also learn how to improve the body's expressiveness. Better physical stamina, flexibility and health will be very helpful in the bedroom, helping her to create and perform more 'love' poses.

6. She kissed passionately

The kiss says more than you think, so pay attention to her kiss for you. A girl with a hot kiss, like swallowing, possessing you will surely know how to make you feel happy in bed. On the contrary, the girl with a hesitant kiss, skimming lightly, certainly she was shy, shy in the bedroom.

In addition, just 30 seconds to observe the body parts, the opposite person will know how she is capable of sex:

- Buttocks are high

- Tend to show the body unconsciously

- Small legs, big hips

- The long-haired girl is the patient. Short, creative hair and curly hair are intense but good at hiding.

- Dress trendy, trendy

- The mouth is sprawled continuously because she is the type of person who is active, likes to experience.

- Deep, mesmerizing eyes

- She deliberately touched you like a light kiss, tightening her thighs .

- Chain closer to you and sometimes rest your head on your shoulder

- Wearing more sexy costumes every day

- Eyes widened

- Abnormal breathing, rushing

- She has tangled and wild hair

- Navigate the story in terms of sex

- Rub your lips or your hair
