Signs out of her

Her dishes for the evening buffet

She does not like respondents biotype in: "I don't know, what do you want" that actively choose their favorite dishes. A woman always know and say the things you want, even when answering a question of boring, often active when in bed. They know to create fun for themselves and take responsibility for their actions. According to Dr. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University, the American "people's preferences in bed as well as varied as the taste of the food."

According to him, a person could like Japanese food but hate pizza. Some women like to be cuddly née flowers, while others want the stimulus more subtly.

Previously, the sisters didn't dare not much experience to discover out what you like. But today, they have more experience and more demanding. Women no longer have family there.

She's eating a sweet potato way, from waste

Eating also shows part of her personality. Please pay attention to how she handles food. You like it when enjoying them? She eats calmly, or excessive bỗ, potato, thai or rush? If a person eats slowly, enjoying the dish full of excitement, then usually they also spend a lot of time in your love.

She likes to enjoy ice cream

"You can find a perfect Mistress by comparing the taste of her cream taste with his", Alan Hirsch, a neurologist and Director of the Center for the study and treatment of the sense of smell, taste, headquartered in Chicago, United States of America, said.

The researchers call this the "epicurean cream". Dr. Hirsch conducted a study with 720 people, aged from 24 to 59, in which he examined correlations between personality, taste preferences of their ice cream, creamy taste preferences of partner and relationship status.

People who like coffee-flavored ice cream usually charming, romantic, sexy, compatible with those who prefer strawberry flavor. These girls love the taste of vanilla is the most appropriate choice of creamy chocolate taste lovely boys. Also who is a fan of mint flavour ice cream with chocolate sprinkled on campus seem to be born for each other.

She said like you

According to Dr. Michael Cunningham, expert on social psychology at the University of Louisville (USA), "the first thing to notice when you want to search for ' half ' is observed the speed of speech and behavior to the other".

If her steps and non-verbal behaviour of her suit, then sexual behaviour-as well as the African languages, will have the same compatibility. If a person always move slowly the other stands sit, they might have different sexual rhythm.

"Similarly, if a person says about this, and the other goes to a different theme, it's clear they are difficult to find harmony. They will probably lost the rhythm in their love, "the scientist said.

She knows what she wants

"The young girl often uncomfortably to achieve pleasure. Older people know what they like and will speak out. They also realize that if they regularly ' to the top ' shall also give the man confidence and help them extend your love, "Dr Fisher said.

In middle age, estrogen levels drop, enabling the power of testosterone exert adverse effects. This gives women more active and demanding more and more of them become more attention to sex.

Her sweet kisses

The way you kiss it comes up a lot on how you "love", Ava Cadell, a Sexology said. It is not only the use of the lips, which is the whole body. If she puts hands up who you and pushing you into the chest and whispered, she can be a great lover.

The feminine girl also shows likely to fudge "love". They will start with a tender kiss and then fondling the upper lip and the lower lip, and use your hands against your hair or pull your hands hugging her. It's like a dance.=
