Suddenly before about new discovery 'it'

Mỗi times "sex" lasts 6 minutes cost you 21 calories, the equivalent of walking about 3 km.

"Sex" and alcohol make us happier than to have children

Let's talk about "sex" and the kids! Researchers from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand made a survey to rank 30 acts that people feel comfortable, interesting and rewarding. In the list of reported results, "sex" ranked first, accounting for the second position, playing and caring with the kids ranked number 5.

"Sex" becomes more amazing when traveling

The U.s. Travel Association has conducted a study on the issue of sexuality of the young couples when traveling in 2013, the results indicated that the pair traveled at least once a year to have the satisfaction of living their sexuality.

Some 1100 participants surveyed have 77% of the people go with their mates have higher sex life. Besides, the holiday weekend also offers romantic atmosphere for 83% of the couples and bring them the intimacy, intimate than the value of the gift giving.

Women's sexual needs, the higher their mate selection standards are also high

Do you think that someone has sexual desires, the higher they will as quickly married? For women, the real answer is no. According to an article of the journal "Journal of Research in Personality", the number of single women on the increase because they become more discerning when choosing the attractive man about appearance. The beard you reverse treated the woman that is the potential mates.

On average each time "sex" you spend about 20 calories

In a study in February 2013, British medical journal, the researchers have shown that each "sex" lasts 6 minutes cost you 21 calories, the equivalent of walking about 3 km.

Relationships in the morning easy to conceive than

Because at the moment, after a sleep enough sleep, energized, the amount of sperm that males will more and more quality than most other times of the day at the same time in the morning, almost the feeling of fatigue should not both be easily top over, more harmony.

Therefore, a lot of couples wanting to have children has conducted sexual relations in the morning on days and ovulate and conceive results achieved as desired.=
