The lustful queen 'horned' the emperor and the most disgraceful room story of Qianlong king

Trieu Phi Yen

In ancient Chinese history, perhaps the name Zhao Fei Yen was said to be the most hysterical queen. Her real name is Hieu Thanh Trieu, the second queen of Han Thanh De Han Dynasty famous for her beautiful beauty.

Historians likened her to the younger sister Trieu Duc Duc as 'the best artist in the world', making her turn to court because of her beautiful and enchanting beauty. Despite being impoverished, but blessed with beauty and talent, he was recruited into the palace later to become Queen.

History records record, to get the same skin and charming scent when in contact with the male and female beauty, Trieu used a medicine called 'Body fragrance' is formulated according to the formula. esoteric. It works to make both sisters always look and feel good. However, this remedy accidentally affected the ability of the Queen to give birth.

It is for this reason that Zhao Fei Yen performed a prostitution with the servants in the palace. Not satisfied with her own pleasure, she also recruited many healthy boys with great skills to serve her needs. But all these actions still can't help her get a baby pimple.

Han Thanh De was a feeble, earless king covering his eyes by the beauty of Phi Yen's sisters, so he did nothing when he discovered his wife's immoral act. Therefore, the sick pleasures of the Trieu sisters were "maintained" until King Han Thanh De died. Losing strong support is also the time when the sisters suffered from death.

One day, in the palace of Nguyen Ninh filled with the sharpness of autumn, Phuc Thai along with some frequency and happiness came to appeal to the Emperor Qianlong and the Queen Mother. In a "platoon" of fine women following the queen, Qianlong paid attention to a person with outstanding beauty.

When I saw this woman, Can Long could not resist her passion but became dumbfounded, her eyes kept glued to the female beauty. Very want to know who the female beauty is but before the crowd, Qianlong is also not convenient to ask.

At that moment, the female beauty stepped out to ask the Empress Queen, Emperor and Queen. At this time, Phuc Thai queen smiled, gently said: "Invite her to stand up". It turned out that this female beauty was the aunt of the Queen Phuc Thai and the wife of the great patriarch of the Vice-Patriarch.

When people started walking and sightseeing at Cung Nguyen Ninh, Can Long was no longer in the mind to enjoy the scenery outside. In his heart, he just "cares" a thought, how can he be with that beauty. Therefore, during his excursion, Qianlong's eyes were only glued to one place, which was the graceful body and face of the lady's full moon.

After a few days, the palace was jubilantly preparing to welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival, and at the order of Qianlong, Queen Phuc Thai could invite all relatives to come and join in the "happy party".

As expected, Qianlong's gesture proved to be very effective when that evening, Phuc Thai's aunt, the Deputy Lady, also came to ask the emperor and queen. In order for her "plan" to be effective, Qianlong arranged a banquet so that the Deputy Lady could sit at the table with her.

Also according to the arrangement, the banquet table of Qianlong emperor had a special fun. That is, the emperor asked a question, each person around had to answer, if he answered wrongly, he had to drink alcohol. Being a smart person, Qianlong easily brought the Deputy Lady "into contact", because of low alcohol consumption, only after a few cups of the Deputy Lady was drunk.

At this time, according to the king's plan, an eunuch led the lady into the restroom and not long afterwards, Qianlong emperor also lost his form when the fun was not over yet to immerse in immoral joy. . However, all these incestuous acts of Qianlong did not reach the eyes of the nephew of the nephew.

When the party welcomes the Mid-Autumn Festival is still going wild outside, in a closed room, Qianlong emperor has an immoral "party" by the appropriation of the lady's flesh. Phuc Thai Queen, despite knowing the pleasures of Qianlong, but when she witnessed the scene of "rain clouds" between her husband and aunt, she still couldn't be stunned.

The "boldness" and incest of the Qianlong emperor made her feel dead and helpless while the music, singing, and laughter still echoed outside. Also starting that evening, Phuc Thai became quiet and melancholy. The sad thing is that at that time, Phuc Thai was pregnant with his second son
